Friday, June 10, 2011

Mary, Mary, quite contrary . . .

 . . . how does your garden grow?  Sigh.  Do you know what I've been doing lately?  Spending time in my garden.  Taking pictures.  Breathing the warm air.  Last week the air smelled like apple blossoms.  Really, it did. 

I took my camera out today and took a close look at things growing there.  I caught this tiny creature nibbling on a yellow flower.

Don't worry.  I let him go on a big hosta plant.  That will take him all summer to devour.  Good luck, little buddy.

I've waited so long for this. I'm going to savor every minute.


Anonymous said...

I love these pictures! So simple yet so gorgeous.

wildtomato said...

Lovely pics! (Although the picture of the caterpillar did make me squirm a bit.)

livnletlrn said...

Life is good!

Caroline said...

First of all, congrats to your sister and her husband. I can't imagine the apprehension they must have felt through that pregnancy.

And..had a little chuckle about your friend the caterpillar. I've been killing snails with a vengeance lately, and I've cringed every time. I just don't like killing them, BUT they are eating my eggplant and basil, and I'm pretty sure they' getting ready to move on to the tomatoes. I usually just pop them in a trash bag, but I also often chuck them over the fence into the alley, which isn't very humane, but I can't stand stepping on them.

Neuroknitter said...

Look at that beeeeutiful lupine!! Lovely pics! :)

Unknown said...

Great flowers. It smell like spring. Good photos.

Greetings, cheap flats Barcelona

Harpa Jónsdóttir said...

Oh wow. So wonderful. Today is just so cold and your lovely pictures warmed me.

BigSkyMama said...

Your pictures make me miss our days sitting on your porch drinking iced coffee!! I miss you sweet friend!