Sunday, July 17, 2011

Mille Lacs Mojo

I haven't touched a knitting needle in over two months.  This has kept me up at night, thinking of the three (or more) large plastic bins full of yarn and projects getting dusty in my damp, dank basement.

Then my niece showed up . . . the one who has taken up the calling, remember her?  She said, "Auntie, can you show me how to knit a pair of socks."  And she produced a few (sorry Liv) limp and dusty skeins of lumpy old wool and said, "I brought my own yarn."  Oh, you sweet thing.

So a quick trip to the Local Yarn Shop (LYS) for some Addi Turbos and a quick dip into one of those aforementioned bins* and THIS is what she whipped up in a matter of hours. 
 Literally.  Hours.  She is knitting faster than I am!  An eleven year old!  I am so proud of her.  She chose a nice Collinette Jitterbug sock yarn in the colorway: Popsicle.  Isn't it perfect for summer and for an amazing niece?
 Today she turned her first heel.  I am a very proud Auntie.

*Side note: when you open one of my yarn bins, there is an ethereal light that shines forth and if you listen closely, you may even hear angels singing the hallelujah chorus.  I'm just sayin'.

And while Liv was busy looking for the perfect yarn in my bin, I noticed this neglected yarn called "Icehouse" and thought how UN-icehouse it was, but how perfectly "lakey".

(Here is a picture of Minnesota ice houses - note the lack of, um . . . color).   This picture was taken in February of Lake Mille Lacs (say it with me "mill - LAX").

However, I spent a beautiful summer day fishing on Mille Lacs with some friends and family yesterday and these were, indeed, the colors of the day.  The photos don't quite show it off, but the day was heavenly blue and deep shady green.
So this is my Mille Lacs sock using Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock Multi - Colorway: Icehouse.

The pattern is Nutkin by Beth LaPensee which is a favorite since it is quick and easy to memorize.  So thanks to Liv, my knitting mojo has returned!  Thanks, Liv.  I'm back.


Erica said...

There's no sense in trying to figure out why a muse acts the way they do. Sometimes breaks are a good thing. Welcome back :)

livnletlrn said...

Oh, that must feel good! Yay for the niece and the fun family pics!

Guinifer said...

Good for her! I thought maybe those were your socks at first glance! It is a good time to be at a lake right now, could this weather be more unbearable?

wildtomato said...

Welcome back! Nutkin looks like a really cool pattern - I'll have to queue it. And your niece is a prodigy!

Caroline said...

I was so excited two years ago when we visited my sister and her family in Omaha because my ten year old niece was excited about knitting. She did get a little irritated with me though because I kept picking up her knitting and working on it. This year she's still talking about knitting, but I didn't see any projects out and about, ha, ha

Good for your niece!

livnletlrn said...

Happy birthday to you!!!!!

Heidelweiss said...

Fabulous colors! I can't believe your niece learned to knit so quickly! Wow. I've been a no blog for so long and I've missed so many of your posts (do I seem to say that a lot?). Looks like you've had a fabbity fab summer. My kids have watched that talking dog video at least 6,003 times. Hiares.

Kathleen said...

Yay for mojo! I need some. Looking, looking...hmmm... I'll find it one of these days.

Harpa Jónsdóttir said...

Yay for your niece! You sock is beautiful.