Sunday, October 16, 2011

More time to knit. . .owls.

I was just thinking to myself how lucky I am that football season is over.   You know - little guy football.  Now we can relax in the evenings because now we only have . . . (drum roll please) . . . piano, hockey, archery club (not even kidding), choir practice, confirmation, service club (before school - doesn't count), learning lab, after-school Spanish, ballet, theater class and rehearsals.   But don't feel bad for me - heh heh - and stop rolling your eyes.   And don't feel bad for my kids.  Except for piano - this is self-imposed schedule and spread over three of them, so it's not too bad. 

This may sound like a daunting schedule, but really - all this translates into loads of book-on-cd-driving time-reading-knitting-in-parking-lot time.   See how I spin that tune?  I'm the gangsta of the mini-van moms.  Didn't I tell you I drive a mini-van?  Watch me work it, ladies.

Photo taken from Retro Lemon Ravelry Page (i hope she isn't mad!)
This crafty lady on Retro Lemon Studio designed these little nuggets of cuteness which will now be using up some more of my leftover yarn stash.  She is kindly sharing the pattern on her Ravelry pattern page.  Here is the Ravelry link to OWL PUFFS.


wildtomato said...

Eeep! Those owl nuggets are so cute! I know a few baby mommas who are going to want one.

Guinifer said...

They look like they just ate my Tootsie Pop in three licks.

Leslie said...

So cute!