Friday, November 25, 2011

Go Gophers Go

Happy belated Thanksgiving.  I'm thankful for all my bloggy friends who are understanding of my weird lack of blog/knitting mojo.  It's creeping back, though.  After making all the tiny little hospital hats, I cast on for a big girl hat in honor of the Minnesota Gopher hockey teams.  It's going to my wonderful neighbors who are avid Gopher fans and who also drive my boys to school every day so I can get to work on time. 

Big news.  My daughter (9) asked me yesterday if I would teach her to knit.  I've asked her so many times I can't count anymore and she's never been interested.  She found some pretty leftover Claudia Hand Painted yarn.  That was the first good sign.  Good taste.  Must get that from me.  heh.

I cast on and showed her what to do and after about 2 hours of solid focus, she had completed about 1 1/2" of the most perfect knitting I've ever seen.  She actually got angry with me when I told her she couldn't knit at the dinner table.  A girl after my own heart.  She wore a headlamp from Amma's house so she could knit in the car on the way home last night.

This morning, a tiny little girl with messy hair and bad breath crawled into my bed with her stuffed animal and her knitting.  After showing her that she has to always start with the yarn on her right, she was off again.  I am the proudest mama in the world.

So what does any proud knitting mama do?  Opened her a Ravelry account and entered her first project!  She has been on Ravelry constantly checking for messages (from her cousin) and sending me comments on my page.  What a nice Thanksgiving treat.

Happy Holidays to all!


Linda said...

Another generation enters the fold! Good for her! - and Mama. It's always exciting when the younger ones take interest in our passions.

Harpa Jónsdóttir said...

How wonderful! Good for her (and you)!

Caroline said...

How exciting to have your daughter interested in knitting! I'm with you on the loss of blogging mojo. It's funny how it will kind of creap up on you. Happy beginning to the holidays!

livnletlrn said...

Woot for knitting daughters! I just sent her a Rav message and friend request.

Guinifer said...

Cute yarn too!

Heidelweiss said...

Cute hat. How adorable is it that your daughter wants to knit now. A dream come true. I've tried to teach Lizzy (4) and she thinks she knows how and tells me I'm teaching her wrong. 9 sounds like a better age ;).