Hey folks! I'm writing to you from downtown Ely, Mn. That was our sunset last night. Yup - loons and all. Very picturesque.
This post will be full of myself because. . . well. . . I am full of myself - and why, you ask? Well take a little looksey at this!

That's right! Blue ribbons, baby! YEAH! don't know what that pink ribbon is for. It might mean I'm sort of second place blue ribbon. And, well, I think my socks were the only socks entered, so I was kind of a shoe-in. I think I actually competed with this little ditty. It was in the same lot as my socks. Hmmmm.
That's right. Now you, too, can enter the county fair competition even if you can't knit. However, you will need a huge box of Legos.
And look at the cake winners. WOW! That is really impressive.

This was my favorite. Achem. I'm sorry to say it did not win a ribbon, which I thought it should have because of the very creative positioning of the pandas.

Panda Free Love!! Whoo hooo!
Wow, Congratulations!!! That is awesome!! I want to know, did you get to sample the hamburger cake? That was really cool...
Great Job!
You won! That is so cool! I love those Pandas by the way ;-)
Awww, happy belated birthday, and congrats on all those BLUE ribbons!!
Congrats on the ribbons isn't the county fair fun? I am loving the panda cake, too funny. ROTFL.
Them's some happy pandas! ;-)
Way to rock the county fair!
Congratulations, winner! Erhm, what is up with those pandas? Are they family friendly? LOL!
Congratulations on your blue ribbon socks! You should definitely be full of yourself - and wear those socks proudly now! Wear them loud, wear them proud, as my mom used to say.
Congrats! Were there any Lego socks entered?
Congratulations!!! How fun is all that blue!!! :)
ooooh look at that shiney blue ribbon.... You didn't tell me you were contemplating chickies.... I have to say, they are so darn easy to look after I can't imagine not keeping them and would recommend it to anyone with a garden! We keep them for eggs mainly, we keep other animals for meat, so we do get to enjoy our hens.
Not only did you get a blue ribbon, but you got Reserve Champion of the knitted crafts! (That's like being runner-up in the beauty pageant!) God, this reminds me so much of being in 4H! And it's sad that I can't joke about 4H with anyone here in Iceland :'(
I also think you should definitely rip off that panda design for a knitted sweater...
Congratulations on the blue ribbon! You have every reason to be full of yourself.
Wow, that's some collection of ribbons! Congrats on bringing home the blue.
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