Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Oh, knitting Goddesses (and Gods, if you're out there), PLEASE HELP ME!

I'm still here, but I'm knitting like mad for Christmas!

I'm trying to finish a sweater and all went well until I got to THIS strange set of directions for decreasing the arm sleeves.

"Then decrease 1 stitch at each edge, every other row, once."

What the @#*$ mother - &*@(#$(@$&!!!!!!!

What does this mean?

HELP ME!!!!!


Catherine said...

Oh no. That's super laughable since I'm not the one doing the project, but I know how much it sucks when you're in it and the pattern just STOPS you because it doesn't make any sense! Have you checked online for errata? Sorry, no advice. It just sounds wrong to me! (Good luck!)

Suvi said...

Could it be like this: decrease 1 st at the beginning of the row (RS), knit to end of row. Decrease 1 st at the beginning of next row (WS). This way you'll decrease one stitch on both sides on every other row one time (how more complicated could this sound) :D

PJS said...

it means they made the pattern with some sort of pattern template. My hubby's had something similar... "increase 1 stitch each side every other row 0 (0,0,0,0)times" ....hmmm...yes... I'd just forget that it says every other row and go ahead and do it once...

Looking forward to seeing the finished product. :)try not to tie the yarn in knots in frustration.

PJS said...

oh yeah.... had such a giggle with the idea of the hubby in an A-line dress.... will have to pass that on.

livnletlrn said...

I bet you'd need to do it more x for a diff. size, but in your chosen size, only once. So decrease 1 st. at each edge, then do a plain row (that's the "every other row"), then move on to the next step in the shoulder cap.

Assuming comments on Ravelry do not indicate that other knitters have pulled their hair out over this same pattern, just trust it!

Anonymous said...

Sorry I can't be of any help!! I am still knitting away on the same scarf...

Bertha said...

OK...I get the "decrease 1 stitch at each end, every other row" part, but wtf is up with the 'once'? If you're only decreasing once, what put that "every other row" thing in there...what is the pattern?

Nautical Knitter said...

I am by no means a knitting goddess, but I think it means to decrease by one stitch on each end of a "pattern" row, or right side row. Then you will work the next row, probably a "return" row just as normal.

To decrease on the ends of the pattern rows, I would k2tog on the right side (beginning of the row) and ssk or sl1,k1,psso at the end of the same row.

Hope this helps...Without more info about the pattern, this is about all I can offer. If you want to chat about it, lmk...good luck...

Guinifer said...

Breathe. In and out.
Decrease one time at each edge. Do they give you a stitch count after that instruction? Sometimes that helps, but basically, you are decreasing two measly stitches.

Neuroknitter said...

Yikes...I'm wringing my hands for you.

Everything everyone else said...especially reading ahead to see if there's a hint as to how many stitches you should have remaining after the decreases.

Chocolate helps in these instances!