Friday, May 20, 2011

Where do you knit?

Where do you find the time and place to knit?  Here are a few of mine:

 Cabin time.
 After-school-sports-waiting-in-the parking-lot time.
Piano lesson time.

TV Time.


Russell said...

I can't stand the idea of being stuck somewhere waiting without knitting, so I'll take my knitting in the car, even for short trips sometimes, but, unfortunately, it seems like TV time is my greatest knitting time. I want to brag that I don't like TV much and don't waste time doing it, but I sometimes spend the evening on the couch, watching TV and knitting.

livnletlrn said...

Like you, I knit at kidstuff, before appointments, while watching a movie, while waiting for events to start. Also sometimes on the train, at outdoor concerts (starting soon - yay!), and while chatting with friends. It's amazing how much all of those little bits can add up.

Senja said...

Breaks at work, night shifts, waiting at baseball practice, TV time, anytime I want to avoid working on the house!

Love the Corraline sweater by the way:)

Harpa Jónsdóttir said...

I "listen" to a lot of TV... I never ever watch TV without either knitting or embroidering. When I'm embroidering I mostly listen, when I'm knitting I see more. I also knit in short stints during the day, and I always have some knitting with me when I go somewhere. I'm not at all shy to knit in public it's pretty common here in Iceland.

randi K design said...

I think your mittens loos great! Please finish the second one...its all about practicing. You should have seen the first pair I made...!