Thursday, April 26, 2012

Knitting on the Road

 We recently drove out to Montana for a family spring-break trip that took us 19 hours one way.  There was plenty of time to get the fiber fun-bag out and work a bit on my zig-zaggy blanket.  I can almost do this blanket with my eyes closed.  19 hours of crochet will do this to a person.

We spent the first part of our vaca at the local ski-bum hill.  They were having the end-of-the-year party, so we stayed after for the festivities which included a pond-skim competition.  I've seen this on tv, but never in person.  I could not believe the courage of these people.  Really.  They don't heat that water and it's about 3 1/2 feet deep.  This was the youngest competitor.

 This was the most graceful contestant.  I'd like to think that's what I'd look like.

The rest of the week was spent hunkered down at the cabin reading, crocheting, watching the boys prep for their little fishing excursions on the local rivers.

 Here are a couple of flies.  Teeny tiny.  They managed to catch a few fish on those little buggers.

I went to town and found this little sign hanging in a local cafe.  I don't know who said it, but it's good words to live by, don't you think?


wildtomato said...

Your afghan is so cheery! I really need to decide if mine is finished, and if not, crochet a thicker border on it.

Erica said...

Sounds like a great vacation! Love the blanket - it is coming along so great :D