Tuesday, April 29, 2008

In Springtime, the only pretty thing is springtime . . .

Friday - Old time Lupine. Oh glorious Spring!


April Fool's lasts a very long time here. sigh.


I feel like a boring blogger. Blah blah blah. Same old same old. It snowed again. Yup. Just a couple of days ago. So I thought I'd whip out that tulip sweater for Belle. Cheer up my day. But tomorrow promises to be sunny and 65 F. And I'm a wee bit fearful that the sweater won't fit next fall. It's a tad too small now, so I'm hoping for some strange miracles to occur when it's blocked and maybe one more cold day so she can wear it and show it off before her arms shoot out of the cuffs.

This here is an artful picture of my Art Scarf from Morehouse Farms.
It's as light as a cobweb. I'm a little annoyed because I bought the pattern only to find out that it's just garter-stitch. But, someone will love to wear it.

A long while back, I scored some (grumble) Noro yarn called "Sakuro". This Noro appears to
have been actually washed with no twigs or straw and so far, not one knot has been found. I know . . . incredible for Noro. I found this pattern and knew I had to knit it up with this yarn, since it's the same technique used on Bellatrix - which I found to be a very fun knit. If you would like to put a genuine smile on your face, take two minutes (probably less) and go to Halfway Down The Stairs and click on that short little video. It's lovely. I'm smiling.



Kathleen said...

I really love your snow photos...maybe just because there's none here! But a little spring snow shower is beautiful! The flowers probably aren't loving it so much, though.

I have never knitted with Noro. i've always coveted the colors and that gradual striping thng that they have going on, but never was close to a retailer that carried it. Now that I know it has it's share of VM and knots, maybe it's not such a big deal anymore.

Your shawl looks good, and yes, someone will LOVE wearing it!

Guinifer said...

That Noro is really pretty up close. I've found that silk can be tough on your hands. It's supposed to be kind of crappy again this next weekend?

Leslie said...

Oh, that snow...eek! I'd be tired of it, too. The Noro looks very springlike, though, so maybe there's hope!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic pictures... you shoud sell your photos!
As always, all of your knitting is lovely - I would love to wear that shawl (until I get those ORANGE socks you promised - HEE HEE!)
Are you enjoying the Friday Night Knit Club?? How do you find the time to read when you are knitting all these funs things - and don't you bake a lot of cookies too?

Senja said...

I know what you mean about winter it seems like it will never end. Sigh. I trying to knit colorful things to hold off the blahs.

Anonymous said...

I love your blogging and your blogsite. We, too, are having and endless winter in Idaho and I can sympathize. Your knitting thrills and inspires me because you get so much done and have kids too. I don't get nearly as much done and my kids are entering adulthood (scary, maybe that's where I use my energy). Keep on blogging, I, for one, love it.

wildtomato said...

No offense taken - those cat hats are supposed to be a joke. :) Thanks for stopping by my blog! I've been reading your blog for awhile since Kathleen at A Bag of Olives posted the link. Love, love, love all the socks.

Caroline said...

I never get tired of your snow pictures although I can understand you getting tired of the snow!

I haven't knit with Noro, but I always think the colors are so pretty..mmmm. I hate the twigs and junk thing though. Brown Sheep yarn used to be like that, but I haven't noticed that lately.

Lorraine said...

Such lovely yarns. Totally negates the lousy weather around here. That rain was HORRIBLE yesterday, especially since I was running all over town in it, ALL DAY. Uggh.

There is a new CVFT show on Mother's Day weekend - "Garage Sale". It should be fun. I've got tickets for Sunday's brunch and show. You should check it out.