Friday, October 17, 2008

Another ode to autumn

Nothing Gold Can Stay

Nature's first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.

Her early leaf's a flower;
But only so an hour.

Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,

So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.

-- Robert Frost


I was driven to distraction this weekend by the weather, the color, the sounds of Autumn. I heard crows cawing like mad in the woods, so I grabbed my camera and went to investigate. Usually, we'll find a patient owl sitting in the branches somewhere close to the crows. But this day, I found something different. Take a look for yourself.
It's a not-so-wily coyote who let me get within 20 feet of him before he noticed me and skedaddled. I was glad the dog was not with me - he would have broken his collar to get at this old fella.

Oh, yeah. And keeping with the knitting-blog theme, I have an item to show you. It's the back piece to a sweater I'm a-knittin' for my 10 year old (size 12 yikes!) in his very favorite color in the whole wide world. It's Berrocco Peruvia and it is warm and soft and lovely to knit up. Can I end that last sentence without a preposition? Is "up" a preposition? Gah, I'm reapplying for my teaching license. This is embarrassing. I must get to the bottom of this! Hmmmmm.

Anyway, the pattern is "Supersize Me" from The Yarn Girls' Guide to Knits for Older Kids. Got me a copy from the library (and yes, I realize that sentence is grammatically incorrect).


marit said...

Beautiful photos to go with the poem!

Love those eyes of your son! The sweater will be great:-)

Kathleen said...

I am so jealous! Everyone is posting their gorgeous fall photos and I have none. At least there ARE cottonwoods nearby...I think I'll go have an afternoon smelling the cottonwood perfume on Sunday.

"It's Berrocco Peruvia and it is warm and soft and lovely to knit up." These days, it's no longer a sin to to have a dangling preposition. It's considered very formal to say something like, " knit up is lovely." Not to mention that it sounds terribly corny.

Catherine said...

Wonderful photos!

cksknitter said...

We can hear coyote during summer nights, but we've never actually seen one. Awesome photo!

Neuroknitter said...

Beautiful, beautiful photos...and what a perfect poem!

I'm thinking a trip to Minnesota should be added to my Autumn 2009 adventure! :)

That sweater will be the perfect accompaniment to the chilly days ahead!

Guinifer said...

All right, so his eyes are adorable. I just want to snuggle that little head! (Bet he wouldn't let me though.)

Anonymous said...

I never get tired of pretty autumn photos!

Heather said...

You are so very poetic these days!! I love it, keep 'em comin'.

(how's that for poor grammar??)


IrishGirlieKnits said...

I think you and Neuroknitter and I just need to do an Autumn around America tour next year! You two are killing me with the pretty!!

Great post!

knitting elephant said...

I'm loving the fall photos you're posting! That's a great sweater back, too. I can't believe you got that close to a real life coyote! :-)

Anonymous said...

You always brighten my day with your posts... I love the poem!

Leslie said...

Your fall photos are lovely, though I wouldn't want to be that close to a coyote!