Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Socks are back!

Well hello! It's my old friend - Sock. Hello Sock. It has been awhile.That sock there is a "Sleepwalker" sock pattern using Painted Skeins. I love these socks! My feet are so toasty warm. They're a year old and no holes yet.

I started knitting this sock. . .
. . . last night in front of the fire and it was so nice to have a good old sock on my needles. All this sweater and fancy lace business is new to me and while they are adventuresome to knit, there is nothing like the brainless familiarity of knitting socks.

These will be a pair for my pops for Christmas. I don't think he reads my blog, so I should be fine there. He has strict guidelines for socks: navy. plain. I am going out on a limb here and knitting with Smooshy "Midnight Derby" which is a shaded solid. Not FULLY navy. And I might even go crazy and put some ribs in there to make it fit better. We'll see. We'll see.

I should also mention that I am working on non-socks, too. I finished a hat for a teacher (Christmas gift) but promptly lost it. I think my middle guy, Lumpy, may have run off with it into the woods. --- Found the hat. To be fair to Lumpy, it was under a pile of laundry.

Also, this lovely scarf that was going to be for my kid sister, but she mentioned recently that she'd love just plain white. Or black. And anyhow, there may not be enough yarn to finish this, so it may just be a table runner. (KJ, would you like a table runner for Christmas? No, not really. Hmmm).

PS. Tee, I LOL at the 'tuck and roll' and the 'Loser Cruiser'. There I go. I'm laughing again. I've soooo been there. I felt your humiliation!!


IrishGirlieKnits said...

Love all the Christmas knits...including the table runner :)

And I so agree with you...a nice sock on the needles...can't go wrong!

Senja said...

What lovely fun knits! I wish I had more to share but I seem to be working on largish items right now. I have some sock that really want to be knit going though. Thanks for sharing, love the table runner or whatever it is!

Guinifer said...

Heh - your foot looks like it's being kissed by a fish!

Anonymous said...

I love how EVERYONE else... including teachers are receiving yarn gifts from you. But, no... not me! Not the friend you have had for years. Not the one person who would wear my yarn prize with such delight as I skipped through the grocery store & Target with my lovely little (almost) 3 year olds. I would be carefree & feeling the love from my dear friend's creation. But... no I wait. I wait for that little special something to arrive - not even wrapped or boxed. I just WAIT!
Anyone else out there want to make me something cute?

PJS said...

the socks are looking good.... hope you are keeping toasty!


Lorraine said...

LOL - my hubby has the same requirements for hand-knit socks. No fun at all, though I did slip in a mini cable on a couple pair last year. HEHEHEHE!

We're such rebels.

Caroline said...

Just looking at your blog has given me the Christmas spirit. I miss having my kids give their teachers gifts now that they're in high school. I should encourage them to still do it...especially Paige...since I am her English teacher.:)