Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Just after I published the last post, I was hearing a strange, muffled noises outside my window. Somewhere in my sleepy head, I kept dismissing it for snowmobiles. It finally dawned on me that I was hearing owls. I opened the den window and it sounded like the pair were within a few hundred feet of the window. Great horned owls, from the sound of it. They are in their nesting season January-February here in Minnesota. And according to the DNR, they can eat up to 4,000 mice in one year.


I found this on YouTube - another Minnesotan who was not feeling as sleepy as I and happened to set up her(his) camera to record the calls. I wish it was louder, but you'll get the idea.

So here are some "Owl" inspired knits for your viewing pleasure (these are not my knits - click on the links to get the patterns):

Give a Hoot

Snoozing Ned


Wendy said...

I've actually had Snoozing Ned in my queue for a while now and last night was in the mood to cast on for a quick little project and was able to get all the pieces knit up. I'm hoping that tonight I'll be able to stitch it all together and root through all my crafty things and find some felt to do him up right with. I'm also thinking of finding a way to stuff him with rice and lavender. But I haven't fully worked that one out yet.

Guinifer said...

We have them in our backyard and they do their thing at night and freak the dogs right out. They run around the house barking.

Anonymous said...

I love all the owls! I was so psyched to see one in real life when we went to visit my sis in Idaho last summer. Before that, the only time I'd seen an owl was at the zoo.

Senja said...

Thanks for the great owl knit links. I love all of these patterns. I love to hear the owls hoot outside my window in the summer here. Just wish I knew what kind of owl I was hearing.