Friday, June 12, 2009

Should I be monogamous?

I have a pair of socks on the needles in my car, a baby sweater on my desk and I'm grabbing my checkbook as I head to my LYS for some Cascade 220 to start my Central Park Hoodie.
What do you think? How do you manage your knitting? Do you knit one project at a time? Two? What should I do? Just stick to the socks, then finish the baby sweater and reward myself with the sweater? Or should I throw caution to the wind and have as many knitting flings as I want?


livnletlrn said...

I vote for the latter. Diff. projects fit diff. knitting times/moods/brain power. Knitting is for FUN. No guilt. Do whatever the heck you want. :-)

For me, 3-5 projects at a time is not uncommon. Any more than that and I start to feel twitchy. I rarely find a single project that fits all my knitting times, but when I do, I'm okay with that being my one and only project for a while, but being down to one usually means there's a flurry of casting on soon to come!

livnletlrn said...

p.s. I love the baby sweater colors.

Neuroknitter said...

Throw caution to the wind...nothing in moderation...Like livnletlrn said, the different projects fit different moods and places to knit.

I have a lot of projects on the needles...more than you'll ever see on the blog! Hah!

Happy knitting! Love the baby sweater!!

How was breakfast? :) Yum.

Anonymous said...

I prefer to have one project, but often have more. I have a project for the charitable knitting group at church, the sample project for my LYS and whatever I am working on for myself.

marit said...

I need several projects...usually socks or something other simple for tvknitting, and something more complicated with lots of charts when I'm home alone (usually in the mornings when the kids are in school, and before I do the chores. A cup of tea and some knitting- that's a great way to start the day!) But I don't like having too many projects either...I have 4 now, that's one to many;-)

Guinifer said...

Typically, I have 2-3 sock projects and one sweater project going at the same time. I joined NaKniSweMoDo so right now I have three sweaters on the needles and one sock project in the wings and a hank of Kid Mohair that is wanting to be something very desperately. My current sweater is in a modified rib and it painfully slow. I plan on spending the weekend getting to the end of the ribbing.

Tiffi said...

I have 2 knitting projects - one I started 9 1/2 years ago and never finished because I didn't like the yarn my mother-in-law bought for this knitting lesson. The other, also not finished, though I have only been working on that for abour 6 months? Oh, maybe a year and 6 months. Both are scarves and both will sit & wait to be finshed (hopefully by me). Maybe by you, if you decide to continue having MANY projects going at once. What'd you think?!

Leslie said...

Ooh, is that the baby sweater? I love the colors. Is it a BSJ? As for project, I have only one now and it's going soooo slowly. My knitting mojo is definitely gone.

Tonyia said...

I vote for the multiple projects. I've got a scarf, a sweater to finish, and a sweater newly re-started. Looking at your baby sweater reminds me I need to make one more for a new grandma.

Love the colors of the baby sweater!

IrishGirlieKnits said...

I go in stages! Sometimes I'm very monogamous, and others, well I throw caution to the wind... It bites me in the end though when I feel like I haven't finished anything in forever, and then I get monogamous again!

Lorraine said...

I am a hoyden when it comes to knitting. The more projects, the merrier. Alas, there are a few issues when I set something aside, going back and trying to remember where the pattern books is, where I stopped, what size needles I was using ... You know, basic knitters amnesia.

wildtomato said...

I usually have one complex pattern and a brainless pattern going. Any more than that makes me twitchy.

Senja said...

Fling away I say, I have 2 socks going, maybe 3, a sweater for my little one, a scarf, and many others hiding in my room:) i like to mix it up depending on my mood.