Thursday, July 30, 2009

As some of you know, I have an aversion to spiders. This is not your ordinary run-of-the-mill discomfort - chills, etc. This is a fear that will sometimes leave me outside in my driveway trying to not hyperventilate and too terrified to go back inside.

I have made some progress. My technique has been the kind of therapy that exposes myself to monstrous spiders so that the little ones won't bother me so much anymore. In fact, the climax of this therapy was a few weeks ago when I took a short stroll to our outhouse (cabin thing) and on the door was an enormous fishing spider. You can google that if you'd like. I'd rather not see it. Anyhow, Mr. Darling heard my cries for help and came running and bravely swished the spider off the door into the woods. And the thing actually thudded when it hit the forest floor. Like an apple falling off a tree. Thump.
Aauuehhhhh - shudder.

So last night, I'm trying to sleep and I'm just about gone when I am suddenly awakened by a noise. It was most certainly the
scurrying noise of a spider.

Ok. Now. See? You're rolling your eyes. That's not very supportive. But I speak the truth. This was not mouse-scurrying noises. Spiders do make noises.

If. They're. Big. Enough.

I became an instant Olympic athlete and vaulted out of bed doing a sort of lying down and kicking my legs out into a standing position 15 feet away by the door thing. Lights went on. Mr. Darling was woken and told to search the premises. We found nothing! This is the worst case scenario. I did not sleep well for the rest of the night but I did move to the other side of the bed hoping that when the monster spider came a-lurking, he'd have to cross over Mr. Darling first and get bored with it and go home. I don't know . . . something like that, I was tired.

So today, I am diligently
vacuuming the house and I moved the thin curtain by the window that happens to be inches from my pillow and there was a horrendously thick and sticky spider web about a foot wide.

So guess where I am. Outside with my laptop. Too afraid to go into the house. My little spider catcher (Lumpy) is at a friends house and my other two kids are worthless. Both are
squirmish about spiders.

Anyway, I do have knitting to share. And pictures of our new kitty. But I don't want to go in and get my camera, so it'll have to wait.

Shudderingly yours,


marit said...

My youngest hate spiders! I've just knitted spidersocks for her brothers...
A spider's web, with dewdrops sparkling in the early morning sun, is sheer beauty. How can something so small and ugly make something so big and beautiful?

Kathleen said...

My stars, girl. You must have bionic ears if a spider taking a stroll in the dead of night can wake you up. Try having a couple of glasses of wine before going to bed. If that doesn't do it, hit the hard stuff! And get your Nimbus 2009 out and clear them from the house!

Leslie said...

Spiders...eek! I'm not quite as freaked out by them as you are, but I'd rather not have them in my house. Maybe the kitty could learn to chase them away?

cupcakefaerie said...

Eeek! I'm not usually bothered by spiders, but then again, I don't think mine have ever been as big as the ones you have. I had the same problem getting to sleep when we had a roof rat problem (those are pretty gross too). Good luck huntin'!

Senja said...

You and my friend D would be great friends she has the same aversion.

Heather said...

I am ok with all sorts of creepy crawlies in the wild... not in my house and NOT in my bedroom!! I am with you.

Guinifer said...

Well, Kitties are usually good with spiders! What does Leo think of the new kitty?

Harpa Jónsdóttir said...

You poor thing. My son actually loves spiders and all kinds of crawling things, always has.

Heather said...

OMG! I'm right there with you, hun! I have had many sleepless nights for lack of finding a critter that I just knew was there! I'm also convinced that that's part of the reason the ex and I are exes. He refused to kill spiders for me - or even remove them! How dare he!
Good news is - our little ultrasonic transmitters that we got for repelling mice seem to work on our population of spiders, too. We're left with only gran-daddy longlegs, which somehow I can stomach!

Good luck!