Sunday, November 14, 2010

Oh God, I'm off the wagon.

I spent about an hour last night looking through Ravelry and Ysolda's website for sweater patterns.

"Why, Rani?  Have you finished your pile of U.F.O.s as promised?"

No.  No I haven't.  I have a terrible Ravelry hangover this morning to prove it.  And kick me when I'm down - we ran out of coffee-cream this morning, so I'm looking at my almost-carmel-colored cup of coffee this morning, cursing myself and wishing I had just turned the damn computer off last night when my half-asleep husband suggested it.  My Ravelry queue is no up to 203 but there are some darling little sweaters in there if anyone is interested.

And there is more bad news.  I was working on a beautiful shawl pattern by Anne Hanson "Luciole".  We were having a nice evening in a snowstorm watching "The Princess Bride".  I fudged a couple of rows and because I had a boldness that came out of a large bottle of beer, I thought I could just keep going without a lifeline and make up for my mistakes by adding an extra stitch here and k2tog there.  I'm too embarrassed to admit what happened next.   But I will tell you that I have a nicely rewound ball of pretty, raspberry colored yarn sitting next to my chair and an empty pair of needles.  Oh, and that empty beer bottle as well.   No matter.  The color was all wrong for the pattern.  It kept nagging at me.

The good news.  There is one less project I have to finish before Christmas.  Don't fret Luciole - I will return and I will knit thee.  In the meantime, I must get back on the wagon and continue . . . slow and steady.  Next stop: socks - plain old k2, p2 socks.  No bottle of beer can mess that up. . . right?


Guinifer said...

Just keep coffee in that cup dear and you'll be fine. At least you didn't order any new yarn!

kristy said...

Thanks for the mantra 'SLOW AND STEADY WINS THE RACE" I really can use that as I have some ufo's that need to be finished , it's been like 4 years on at least of them.I keep ice water near by to drink, it keeps me awake like coffee would, but without the jitters.

Tonyia said...

Longhammer, Princess Bride and knitting. Sounds perfect. Surfing for future knitting only tops it off! I really can't see any problem here...

wildtomato said...

This is only a minor setback! You're still doing fantastic on the war against the UFOs.

Neuroknitter said...

I finished one pair of socks, and to reward myself I promptly cast on for another new shawl...sigh.

Love the blue socks!

true confessions: I go cuckoo without cream in my coffee...I'll use anything to tide me over until the first store in the area opens for biz...PJs that time of morning are allowed...aren't they??!!

Colleen Cahaley said...

I just came across your blog and it's so cute! I wish I could knit like you. I've been working on the same scarf for 2 winters now, and I'm still cold. haha

Kathleen said...

I have several projects on the needles at the moment...Can I wait for "slow and steady"? Good thing Christmas is a month away! No beer for me until after Christmas!

bamboonumber1 said...

If the color was all wrong for the pattern like you said, but you kept going anyway, I'm sure your fudging was just your unconscious mind devicing a plan to make you start over. So it's all good ;)

Leslie said...

Oh, sorry about the frogging but maybe it's all for the best if you weren't happy with the color. I'm waiting on some mail order yarn so I can get going on a new project!

Caroline said...

Ha, ha. This is why I LOVE blogging so much because it reminds me that I'm not alone with my knitting obsession. I've "disappeared" into the wilds of Ravelry for hours at a time too....especially when I have other things I should be doing, like cleaning bathrooms or grading papers!

I don't have any UFOs right now, but I have way too much yarn, and my daughter just told me that she wants me to knit her a sweater. Of course, she won't want it out of any yarn from my stash. I think I might be beyond help!!