Sunday, December 5, 2010

Do you know this dog?

If you've ever owned a labrador, or any dog for that matter, then you know what this face means.

Let me give you a clue.  
There is a previously full, empty bread bag on the floor.

 Mmmm hmmmm.  
Labs and loaves of bread.  
A love affair of the worst kind.


livnletlrn said...

How you took those pics without giggling, and therefore releasing the tail-wagging furball of glee from the guiltysad look, is beyond me.

Guinifer said...

Well, at our house it USUALLY means someone ate something they weren't supposed to, but it's usually MUCH worse than a loaf of bread. 'Nuff said.

Neuroknitter said...

uh-oh! I have a cat who tries that look on us, too...he always wins! LOL :)

wildtomato said...

Hahahahahahaha! Oh,yes! I know that look. Malamutes and bread share a similar relationship.

He looks so remorseful, but I know it's a cover.

Caroline said...

Yes, I know the look because I saw it last Thursday on my beagles faces when I hurried home at lunch to pick up some stuff for a get-to-gether at work. I walked in and corn chips were spread everywhere with a kind of trail for each beagle!! Oh! and the bread thing...been there too:)

You're so right about the kindred spirit thing!

wildtomato said...

Yes, you were my first (and currently only) customer. Thanks! Aw, I would have given you the pattern, but thanks for buying it. :)

Currently, Mingus is in MY spot on the bed with the boy. That dog is shameless, so I can't say much about your dog being on your pillow.

Tonyia said...

I knew that face right away! Only question was "what has he done?!"