Friday, April 1, 2011


I was just beginning to think that I should put down the wool sweater and start something more summery.  I mean, spring is just around the corner.  How many more days of cold and snow and dark and gray can there possibly be?  There is a finite number - the earth keeps moving in its axis and we eventually tip towards the sun, right?  Something like that.

Insert snowstorm.

So I'll keep fidgeting with this Knit Picks wool and my nice little cardigan sweater.   The truth is that I'm in a sort of knitting purgatory - and endless parade of stockinette stitch that has no end in sight.  The sweater has taken on a metaphoric meaning - winter is endless.  Knitting 114 rows of stockinette on US 4  . . . is endless.  But the spring will come and it will be spectacular.  My sweater will be, too.


wildtomato said...

Stockinette purgatory: been there, done that. Hopefully your knitting mojo will return and spring will be sprung in your neck of the woods soon.

livnletlrn said...

I woke up to white ground yesterday too, so I bought a potted hyacinth for my office yesterday. The fragrance is divine and instantly made the world a brighter place. That sunshine, it's a'comin'!

Guinifer said...

Wait! What snowstorm? We don't live that far apart!