Thursday, April 28, 2011

Straight Up.

Hey.  Did you forget about me?  I have not forgotten about all of you, but I have been a huge lazy ass when it comes to my blog.  I have begun a monogamous relationship that has been taking up any and every meager bit of spare time I have.   Her name (yes, it's a her and it's really not that racy) is Coraline and she is a warm and nifty little thing.  Well, take a look for yourself.
Almost done!

The pattern was written by Ysolda Teague.  I'm using a basic Knit Picks Swish DK in persimmon and a puny size 3 needle.  It has been a turbulent relationship but I think we've come to an understanding.  She looks good with a nice pair of jeans. 

We're still wearing wool sweaters and jeans in Minnesota but today I wore a short sleeve shirt underneath.  Sadly, I even wore my floor to ceiling down quilted ugly brown coat to work today.  Tomorrow is supposed to be a miraculous 58 degrees.  I'm skeptical.  We have an outdoor field trip scheduled and I'll be damned if I will spend another two minutes standing around watching my own breath freeze in the air.

Spring has been keeping us busy.  The garden is completely untouched.  Too cold.  Now it's too wet.  Wah wah wah.

Stella has grown into a pretty little lady.  She is quite the swimmer and retrieves like a mo-fo.  Seriously.  We've been smacking tennis balls into the woods and after zigzagging back and forth for 5 minutes, she comes back with the darn thing.

Easter came and went.  It was lovely.

We rented a little teeny tiny cabin with the kiddos and had a sweet little vacation in the woods.  Wait.  Don't we live in the woods already?  I guess we do.  Hmmm.  I'll have to think about that a bit.

 Fishing for minnows in a hidden creek.
 Floating rubber duckies down the creek.
 I forgot the graham crackers.  No worries.  We made due.
 Mr. Darling was the master roaster.
 While the rest of the family played games in the lamp light, I snuggled into my top bunk (I had to wrestle my kid for it) and knit on with my headlamp.  You all would have been so proud of me.

Bob, Chuck Norris and Flower - bad ass rubber duckies


livnletlrn said...

Ooh, Coraline is looking good! What fun pics of your trip. I would like to live in that adorable cabin forever, please. (Well, maybe not in the winter.) It looks like the quiltmaker's home in _The Quiltmaker's Gift_, my favorite kids' book evah. I've been a slacker on my blog too, but there's been lots going on here, so a post to come soon.

Guinifer said...

Welcome back! April was a crazy, no-blog month here, as well. I actually have a window open this morning and I am listening to the birds call. Coraline looks gorgeous!

Erica said...

That is such a fun sweater! Sometimes it doesn't matter where you get away to, just so long as it is away from the house ;) Glad you had a nice little vacation and managed to get some knitting time in while you were at it.

Harpa Jónsdóttir said...

Very proud of you ;-)

You all look so good - and the cardigan is beautiful. You look not a day over 20 in it!

Caroline said...

Love the pattern and the yarn. That does look like a lot of stockinette stitch!

Looks like a wonderful vacation in the woods too.

Kathleen said...

Well, I AM proud of you! Coraline is proud of you, too! And lovely pictures of the vacation...but yeah, you live in the woods. Apparently not in a cabin, though. I live on the prairie and drive all the way to another part of the prairie to go hiking and bird watching. Huh. All this is making me go Hmmm...

But Stella. Stella! She's beautiful!

wildtomato said...

That's an awesome orange Coraline! That's been in my queue forever.

Rani said...
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jane said...

you crack me up! loooove the sweater! and i think the name suits. now i want to go camping!....
warm hugs rani!

Heidelweiss said...

I love Coraline! Looks like things might, perhaps, be warming up a bit here too. Maybe. Adorable kids, btw.