Friday, April 15, 2011

Hello, everybody.

Happy April 15th.  Or in Minnesota, you can also say, "Happy Snow Day!"

Just stopping by to tell you that it's snowing tonight.  Right now, actually.  As I tuck my sorry butt into bed.

Not complaining.  Just letting you all know.



livnletlrn said...

:::gently patting shoulder::: Um, honey, are you okay? You sound scarily accepting, eerily calm, just a wee bit insane.

It's coming. I swear. Hang on just a little while longer.

Are you really sure Minnesota was such a good idea?

Caroline said...

Awwww! I remember that feeling of "what the heck???" just when you thought that winter was over.

wildtomato said...

Snowing??? This Californian is having a hard time fathoming snow right now. Although, I've heard that a local ski resort is planning staying open until the July 4th weekend since the snow pack is so large this year.

Neuroknitter said...

I know the feeling...the last morning at the beach we had hail, and driving home--snow...This is taking April Fool's way too far!!

Happy weekend! :)

Heidelweiss said...

I'm complaining and we've only had rain. Stupid states with endless winters. I'm moving. Don't know where yet, but so help me, I'm moving.

Heather said...

being an April 16 baby raised in Northern Michigan, more often there was snow on my birthday than not, no matter what it was like on Fool's Day... Silly 45th parallel. Happy Easter!

Tiffi said...

Why are your Easter eggs so angry?
Stella is So big!
Love the sweater of course!
Live all the kiddo pictures as well!