Thursday, September 20, 2012

I've gone caveman . . . cavewoman, actually.

I've gone Paleo.  For those of you still living in caves, Paleo is a reference to the new diet fad (yes, it's a diet fad no matter how you slice it) that regulates your intake of food based on what our Homo sapien ancestors ate as we evolved into humans.  Apparently, they did not eat grass.  This means that pancakes and pizza are not on the menu.  In fact, all dairy, gluten and grains are not an option.

Why would any rational human being give up cheesecake?  Apparently, after 30 days of eating like Fred and Wilma, I will be a few pounds lighter, have almost no bloating (and don't we all), lower bad cholesterol, higher good cholesterol and an overall feeling of wholesome happiness.  If you are rolling your eyes, you're kindred spirits with my book club ladies.  We discussed this Paleo thingy last week and I volunteered to try it out. 

Kirsten, which I've been pronouncing as "Keersten" behind her back until I asked her and she corrected me - it's pronounced "Kersten") is a crazy fun lady at my book club that can best be described as my patchouli loving, raw milk drinking, free-spirited Republican friend.  She is brilliant and funny and articulate and makes me wish I had a higher I.Q. and as many past lives as she is certain she's had.  Anyway, she's been on this damn diet and I have seen with my own eyes that not only does she look wispier these days, but also looks calm and healthy.  Those weren't the eyes of a starved, crazed, pancake-craving she-wolf. 

So here I am on day 4.  Significant changes?  Meh.  Well.  There is the no-bloating or feeling yucko after I eat.  I hadn't noticed I felt that way until I didn't feel that way.  There you go.  There is also the uncomfortable conversation you have with your significant other regarding achem . . . things coming out "down there" and its variations, but I will spare you that and save it for my spouse.  I don't feel hungry.  I'm eating like a horse.  I have had this insanely intense craving for chocolate which is new for me and easily staved by sneaking downstairs at night and eating a square of Lindt dark chocolate with sea salt, but since it's in the middle of the night, it doesn't count.

This diet can go two ways.  I'm going to bloat up to 200 pounds like this paleolithic sculpture and my cholesterol will shoot into the you-need-to-take-meds stratosphere - OR - I will be pushing this diet on all of my friends and family who will listen to me and hopefully see that I no longer sport my muffin top. 

More to come . . .


wildtomato said...

Yes, please keep us posted! So many friends are going paleo, and the swear that it works. I'm so curious, but giving up rice, bread, and pasta would be challenging.

Harpa J said...

Intriguing. I have friends that have given up bread, sugar and yeast and that sure has worked for them. I'm eating a lot less bread that I used too these days. but NO grain, well, that would certainly be a challenge.

Caroline said...

I'm interested. I've listened to a few podcasts about paleo eating, and I kind of liked what they said although I've heard arguments against it, saying that our ancestors weren't healthier than we are in some ways. It would have to make me feel awesome, because I usually don't feel that bad now...and I do like a nice piece of toast now and then LOL

Anne Marie said...

That was hilariously written! I am going to have to read it again, just for the laugh.

I am actually doing the lchf (low carb, high fat)diet, which is not the same but I think very similar. Works like a charm.

Stick with you new way of eating for at least a month (because the two first weeks can be a challenge for your body, especially if you cut off all sugars from one day to the other), and take notice of changes with you body and also, what feels god and not so.

Good luck with your new eating habit :-)