Sunday, February 3, 2008

My First Contest!

Now, I know that most of us knitters have a slight problem with self-control when it comes to yarn, so it is with a guilt-laden heart that I lay this tidbit of information at your feet. There is a new indie-dyer on the scene. She's a gal who lives in the great northern woods of Minnesota (my beloved home state) with her sweet family and she has an Esty shop where you can browse her new yarns.
I just purchased this:

. . . and if you can guess what the name of this yarn is (or come pretty darn close), you will win a little surprise (if you're a non-knitter, your surprise will be something to knit, so take care . . . ). NO CHEATING (you can look at her 'sold' items and find out what it's called but in the true spirit of good girls, please don't peak!)

Next Friday (February 8) I will choose a winner based on the closest guess. If there are several correct answers, I'll draw your name from a hat. Good Luck!

And now for some knitty-gritty business. For the first time in my life, I shed tears over my knitting. I tried three times to make my first short-row toe for my February sock. And my conclusion? I. HATE. SHORT. ROW. TOE. It is evil and I will never look back at that technique again. Door closed.

Here is the sock in White Oak Studio's TVyarn Fat Sock - "It's Valentine's Day, Charlie Brown"
The pattern tends to disappear with this yarn. Lesson learned - a solid would work better with this pattern.

This weekend, my hubby left to go ice-fishing 'up north'. I tucked in the kids, grabbed my knitting, chocolate and movie (in that order) and settled into bed for a peaceful and productive evening of knitting.
At the exact moment I began to eat my chocolate bar, this other chocolate monster woke up. Guess what he was thinking. You lab owners know, there is only one thing on a lab's mind at any given time -

can I eat that? And more often the answer is no, but it goes down the hatch anyway. This explains crayons and Polly Pockets in his little poo piles. (ok, not so little)

Now he's mad because I just enforced my ALPHA FEMALE position in our little pack and voraciously protected my chocolate.
And so, he tries a new tactic and decides to eat my arm instead. I'm ok with this decision because the chocolate is intact.
ps. not much knitting was accomplished.


cksknitter said...

I wquld have named it On Blueberry Hill, so that's my guess. Did you go to the big Coldwater Collaborative Superbowl sale today? I was there and kept wondering if you were there, too.

Heather said...

OOOH! My guess is "Blackberry Jam" that's what it makes me think of - the blackberries in our backyard in the summer.

Tonyia said...

I just LOVE that puppy! Great pictures!

I would guess berry cobbler for that gorgeous yarn. Thanks for the chance.

DPUTiger said...

Short row toes are evil AND completely unnecessary. Three cheers for Judy's Magic Cast-On!

I was going to guess Northern Lights, but the Blackberry Jam guess is SO MUCH BETTER than mine.

Minnesota is by far my favorite of all the places I've lived. Except for home. Home has its own category :)

PJS said...

Good morning you yarn obsessed little thing.... I have to say I love the 'progress' pics of your bed knitting. I have 2 monsters that beg when I eat, yes the dog and the parrot.

I love the yarn, I think I would have to go with 'blackberry surprise' as a name. although I liked heathers blackberry jam... mmmm

marit said...

Beautiful dog, beautiful yarn (but totally blank on name!), and I totally agree with you on shortrow I used a figure8- caston,and an afterthought heel on those socks! That's not cheating, is it?

Guinifer said...

Purty! I peeked so I'm not guessing, but she's got some nice stuff!

Kathleen said...

I think I would have called the yarn "Deep River" or something like that.

"Can I eat now Mom? Huh? Can I? Can I? Huh? Huh?" I Know someone like that, too. She has the bluest eyes and only wants to eat what I have.

Senja said...

Thanks Rani for the props! Knitters are so awesome! I got a little teary when I read your post.

That puppy is growing fast! I'm off to start my Feb. socks.

picperfic said...

Jewel Berries? It does look like the most delicious yarn...

Neuroknitter said...

That puppy makes my day everyday!! I heart him!!

I have no clue what the MN landmarks are...I'm going to go with Midnight, Northern Lights, and I'll throw in Blackberries for good measure!!

Oh dear...I love short row toes...they are my new fave...Figure 8 and JMCO are great, too...ducking and running for cover!!

Caroline said...

I'm so out of the "loop." I haven't tried any toe-up socks, and am frankly quite afraid of them. So I'm sure that I would be very intimidated by the short row toes. The pattern does look so pretty though!

The yarn looks yummy. i can't really think of a possible name though.

Anonymous said...

My guess: "Superior Waters" It looks like the lake to me:)

Your puppy is SO CUTE & SASSY!!

Anonymous said...

Would love to enter the contest but since Senja is my dear friend I already know the answer! Looks like you have some good guesses here though!

Way to go on the socks, create a toe that works for you and forge onward.

Leslie said...

Hmm, how about Black Currant? Whatever it's named, it's beautiful!

ikkinlala said...

My guess is Blueberries (my first thought was of saskatoons, but I'm guessing that might be a little obscure). It's very pretty!

Anonymous said...

I recently found your blog and enjoy reading it. I LOVE YARN! and as for that deep blue...Minnesota Midnight.
from a knitter in knorth Idaho.

PenCraft said...

Berry Berry Night. or berry something. Or jam something. or very cool contest. Love your taste in yarn.