Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Father's Day Weekend

We spent a relaxing weekend on the porch, watching the humming birds, listening to the kids bouncing (and bickering) on the tramp and running after the Prince of Poopness who crashed an outdoor wedding at the neighbors. Yup. We have THAT sort of dog.

On Friday, I went inside for a glass of water and got a phone call from the construction site over yonder.

"Do you own a chocolate lab named Leo?"

OMG. I swear, the dog can smell a lunch box from a mile away. He's going to turn me gray.

Oh, all right. I forgive you.

In the mail:
Knit Picks sock blanks for some summer Kool-aid dying fun.



Dashing Dach Sox - Colorway "FROGGIN"

Baseball season is coming into home plate (bad pun). And we're ready for some lazy, hazy days.

And those warm summer nights.


Neuroknitter said...

Leo looks so innocent! Hah!

Great hummingbird capture!!! Love the Woolgirl kit...I'm kicking myself I didn't do her sock club!!

Ahh yes...those warm summer nights...when will they really arrive to stay! ;)

picperfic said...

I am so jealous you have those knitpicks blanks, they look like fun! As for summer nights, they feel like a dream away!

Guinifer said...

LOVE the baseball photo!

How big is Leo now? He still looks so small!

IrishGirlieKnits said...

Love the baseball photo!! Watch out :) I'm so glad summer is finally here!!!! And Woolgirl's colors just captured summer this month! Can't wait to cast on!!

Lorraine said...

LOL! What a dog!

BTW, I could have made those blanks for you on my machine. Let me know when you need more and I'll whip some up for you.

Tonyia said...

Excellent pics, as usual. I'm most envious of your photo ability!!

Caroline said...

i'd forgive Leo too...wedding crasher or not.

Kathleen said...

Could a face like that belong to ANYONE who could turn you gray??? So sweet, so innocent...heh, absolutely. Wait till he finds the cow poop further on down the road...

Warm summer nights with the bust-a-bug candles on the patio...Wah! I miss that! I miss the back yard...I miss the patio...I miss having a 2' x 2' square to call my own! Apartment living...uuuuufff...

Anonymous said...

Baseball and lemonade always say summer to me. I love it.

Leo is so adorable. I wouldn't be able to stay mad at him either.

Sonja said...

Hey Randi! Good question about the slideshow option. (I'll post this to my and your blog.)

From your blog (when you're signed in) click on "Customize" at the top of the page, then choose the Layout tab.

After that, click "Add a Page Element" which opens a new window usually. Choose "Add to Blog" under Slideshow. You can link to pics from Flickr, Photobucket, Picasa Web Albums, or other (using a feed link). Then of course, you can move it around on your page.

Have fun!

Heather said...

OOh, I so want to try the blanks - they seem like great fun that my kiddo can help me with!

And that dog is too much. Have you read "Life With Marley" yet??? I highly recommend it if you're feeling like your dog is too much!
