Friday, November 12, 2010

Slow and Steady Finishes the Race

When I was "training" for the Kortelopet ski-a-thon-for-crazy-people race last year, "slow and steady" was my mantra.  It's not the most inspiring or exciting mantra, but for someone who was looking forward to simply being able to finish the race, it worked fine for me.  And surprisingly, they had not yet cleaned up the finish line when I eventually crossed over and dropped in the snow.

The next Kortelopet is a few months away but I won't start to think about it until after Christmas.  Instead, I am chanting the mantra over my pile of ufo's that are having a face-off with me at this exact moment.  I'm maintaining mental control by not spending hours on Ravelry constantly adding patterns to my queue.  I'm practicing the art of self-control and discipline by refusing to cast on one more project until I clear out the knitting runway.  There are too many projects on the tarmac and chaos is threatening to break out at any moment.  197 patterns in my queue should keep me busy for some time, but for now, I will plug away at the current pile - slow and steady.  Slow and steady.

FO:  Baby Cable Yoke Jacket by Cotton and Cloud

I used Cascade 220 Paints Hand Dyed "9843 Paradise Beach"
Details on Ravelry
This is for my sister's baby.  Well, she's not exactly a baby.  I mean, she's walking and da-daing and ma-maing and all of that.  But since my babies are starting to wear shoes that my shoes can fit into, she is still a baby to me.   I'll be seeing her in a few weeks and I'll get a good photo shoot with my (sister's) baby wearing the darn thing.  For the meantime, there you go.  Pretty cute, huh?

The first time I saw this jacket was over at Picperfic's blog.  She whipped out two of these suckers in no time at all.  She said - and I quote, "... a very quick little knit . . ." but somehow, I managed to take eight months to finish mine.  

Sigh.  It feels so good to have an empty needle around the house again.


Guinifer said...

You are so funny! The jacket is really cute. Good for you for plucking another UFO off of the pile. I frogged one of my UFO's this week, at the same time I was moving yarn in to my de-stash pile on Rav...

Tiff said...


Neuroknitter said...

I love that little jacket!! I wonder if it can be supersized for an adult? You are so inspiring...I'm trying so hard to finish up some socks and shawls so that I can cast on something new...I fear I will CO steps!! :)

Heidelweiss said...

My UFO's are making me insane as well. AND we've had a flurry of babies being born so I have to keep stopping things in order to knit hats etc for the small folks. I LOVE that little jacket. Don't feel too bad about it taking you 8 months (it was well worth the wait). My Clapotis took me a year.

Tonyia said...

That is gorgeous. I've the cotton cloud site open, and I'm hemming and hawing over hitting the 'buy' button.

I love the choice of yarn. Gorgeous, I say!

livnletlrn said...

Ooh, that's sweet.

Harpa Jónsdóttir said...

It's adorable! Now I want to make one for my granddaughter, but I really don't have the time now. Perhaps after the holidays.

Anne Marie said...

Beautifuuul!!! If the rest of your UFO's are as pretty as this ine we have a good winter ahead of us (at least if your intention is to finish them off and showing us).

Lookking forward to more of your UFO's :-)