Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I'm still here!

My gosh.  I can't possibly thank you all enough for being THE COOLEST BLOGGY PEEPS EVER!  You took time from your day to send your condolences and it really made a difference.  My husband could not believe the outpouring of concern from not just our friends and families but from my "odd bloggy habit". 

We're moving onward.  We even visited the pound a couple of times but it's still a bit painful.  AND you won't believe this, but a week after Leo kicked the bucket, our ancient cat decided it was her time to go, too.  Can you imagine this scenario:  I'm at the front desk of the veterinarian, squaring up our account when out comes the vet saying, "I'm so sorry about your cat." and at the exact moment a tech comes out and says, "Here are Leo's ashes."  Gulp.  They just handed over a brand new box of tissues and said, "Here, take it." 

We can't believe we just paid out A LOT of cash for two pets we no longer have.  

Isn't nice to have a cute little knitting project to work on when you're feeling sorry for yourself?  I choose to cast on for sweater number two.  The little ditty is
Coraline by Ysolda Teague
I'm making mine in a rusty colored wool (Knit Picks Swish).

I think my blog looks so boring without photos, but I can't look at that puppy face anymore and so neither should you.  The new year brings new blessing and hope and, achem, socks and sweaters.  So moving on . . .


Neuroknitter said...

OMG...I can't believe kitty is gone, too...oh no!!! I'm so sorry :*( Sending big hugs and furry thoughts to you and yours!!!

I hope you find some comfort in knitting a new sweater!! Yay for knitting during the hard times, as EZ said, "Knit on with confidence and hope through all crises"!!

Knit on, my friend. xo

Heidelweiss said...

Son of a b! Did I mention that our Newfoundland died on November 6th? And then Boo on December 20th. What the crap?! Where is the justice in losing two animals in one year (or within a few weeks!)? It's almost too much. We did end up getting a new puppy but I still feel like I'm cheating on Boo and Shamus. I know they'd approve because we're all happier with a dog around but still... I hope you guys will be able to get a new doggy, eventually. Poor you. What a sad time.

Caroline said...

Ohhhh! That's just not fair. It does seem like it's just in the air sometimes. I'm glad you've visited the pound. We had a hard time thinking about it after our Golden Retriever died, and did wait quite a while before we got Rowdy, the regal beagle. And I never imagined getting a second one, but...famous last words!

Coroline looks like a cute pattern. She's a great designer. Keep those good thoughts!

marit said...

It's never just one thing...so sorry to hear about your cat too. It's not easy to get a new pet either- it feels like cheating on the old ones in the beginning. Can't blame you for casting on a new project- and lovely it looks! Hopefully things will brighten up a bit! Hugs from a snowy and cold Norway...