Sunday, January 2, 2011

Little Buddy

There is no way to put this.  No way to tell you how difficult this is for us but we lost our dog Leo just before new years.    He was hit and killed by a car near our home.  We recognize that it's a dog - that no human lives were lost; that my children are all safe; that the driver (who stopped) was not physically hurt, my husband who lifted him from the roadside and brought him home to us was not physically harmed either.  But the pain and emptiness we feel is devastating regardless.  

I am wiping tears as I type this and know that I mean it from the very bottom of my heart when I tell you that I appreciate all of your hilarious comments and advice over the last three years regarding this rascal of a dog.  Guinifer, I can't thank you enough for helping us find his breeder.   Hold on - crying again. . .

Thanks to my family and friends for understanding and for loving and missing him, too.


Sonja said...

Oh, Randi, I'm so sorry to hear this. I know how much Leo meant to your family and it seems only recently that you had lost Ruby even. It's truly sad when a pet dies, especially in an accident such as this. I do believe however, that it's one of life's little secrets when children have a chance to learn about cherishing things/people/activities while they last so to speak. Even if it happens the hard way.
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and I wish you, the boys & girl, and hubby the all the best in 2011.

IrishGirlieKnits said...

Oh Rani, my eyes are tearing up just reading this, I can't imagine what you are going through. And so suddenly like that. I am so very sorry and am keeping you and your family and dear Buddy in my prayers.


livnletlrn said...

I think any of us who have ever loved a fuzzyface completely understand the devastation of such a loss. I'm blinking away the tears here too and I never even met Leo (or his humans, for that matter), but I know how much joy he brought to you all, how much frustation and entertainment, how much love he gave and received.

Our Kodi was euthanized three months ago. Sometimes I could swear I still hear her tags jingle. When I get out of bed in the dark, I hesitate momentarily for fear of stepping on the dog. When we come home at night, the house seems empty without her drooling on the dining room window when we pull in and then rushing to greet us at the door.

Hugs to all of you. We are lucky people to have counted awesome knucklehead dogs among our family members, but it's just not fair that their lives are so much shorter than ours.

Now I'm going to get a tissue. Damn doofus dogs turn my heart to mush and cause my eyes to sprout leaks.

Tonyia said...

OMG, I'm so sorry. He was such a doggie boy and so integral to your family life. So sorry...

Tee said...

I am so sorry Rani.

Neuroknitter said...

I'm crying all over again for Leo. I'm just heartbroken for all of you. So many wonderful memories in those pictures!

Thoughts and prayers from the kitties and the peeps at Chez NK are being sent to you and the family!


Kathleen said...

Hi Randi,

I know it hurts to lose such a close friend and family member as Leo, even if he was a "just a dog." They are never "just dogs," in many cases. I always have it in the back of my mind that one leaves us because there is another that is in greater need of us. I look for another little soul to wiggle its way into your family, because it needs you as much as you may need it. Sending you hugs and love from Porter and me.

Guinifer said...

Oh Leo! You were supposed to grow old with your family! Ran - I am so sorry, so sad for you. You are welcome as well. I am sure there will be room for another furry love, but in the meantime, I know how it hurts. He was still just a baby rascal! And he just escaped from the chocolate disaster as well!

Be a good boy Leo.

Guinifer said...

Spirit of A Labrador

I was standing on a hillside in a field of blowing wheat,
and the spirit of a Labrador was lying at my feet.

He looked at me with kind dark eyes, an ancient wisdom shining through,
And in the essence of his being I saw love there too.

His mind did lock upon my heart as I stood there on that day,
And he told me of this story about a place so far away.

I stood upon that hillside in a field of blowing wheat
and in a twinkling of a second his spirit left my feet.

His tale did put my heart at ease, my fears did fade away
about what lay ahead of me on another distant day.

"I live among God's creatures now in the heavens of your mind,
So do not grieve for me, my friend, as I am with my kind.

My collar is a rainbow's hue, my leash a shooting star,
My boundaries are the Milky Way where I sparkle from afar.

There are no pens or kennels here for I am not confined,
But free to roam God's heavens among the Labrador kind.

I nap the day on a snowy cloud, gentle breezes rocking me,
And dream the dreams of earthlings and how it used to be.

The trees are full of liver treats and tennis balls abound,
And milkbones line the walkways just waiting to be found.

There even is a ring set up, the grass all lush and green,
where even Rescue Labradors become the Best of Breed.

For we're all winners in this place, we have no fault you see,
And God passes out those ribbons to each one, even me.

I drink from waters laced with gold, my world a beauty to behold,
And wise old dogs do form my pride to amble at my very side.

At night I sleep in angel's arms, her wings protecting me,
And moonbeams dance about us as stardust falls on thee.

So when your life on earth is spent and you stand at heaven's gate,
Have no fear of loneliness for here you know I wait.

Author Unknown

From Captain's website...

charlie girl said...

I'm so sorry, I've been through it, it's the worst.

Biggest hugs.

Heidelweiss said...

I'm so so sorry. I am crying myself stupid right now. We lost both our dogs (very old men) during Thanksgiving and Christmas and I'm so heartbroken I can hardly stand it. He looks like an adorable little guy. I'll keep you guys (kids especially) in my prayers.

marit said...

I'm sending you a big hug... I've been there, and it's just awful. No, it's definitely not "just a dog"...

Leslie said...

Oh, my, I am so sorry! What a sad time for you and your family. I DO understand...hugs to you!

jane said...

on rani- i´m so sorry. i´m sending you a big hug.

Harpa Jónsdóttir said...

Again - I'm so sorry, and as Kathleen said, "just a dog" just doesn't cover it.

wildtomato said...

No no no no no no! I am so sorry for, Rani. It's so unfair! Hugs to you and your family.

Heather said...

Oh no! I'm so sorry for your loss. I will miss the tales of crazy Leo. My thoughts are with your family.


Guinifer said...

Hey kiddo - I've been thinking of you - how are you doing? It's been a tough year. Hope things will be better.

Heather said...

My deepest sympathies to you and your family.

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog through Spindles and Spices and am so sorry to hear about Leo.

He was more than "just a dog". The pictures you shared in this post demonstrate how he was a cherished member of your family.

I am so sorry for your family's loss.

Anne Marie said...

Ohhh dear, I am so sorry for your loss! One of the last posts I read here before Chrsitmas was about him.

Life changes in an instance without warning. Within less than a second. I am so sorry for your loss.

Senja said...

Oh no!!Poor Leo and Poor Rani Family! So sorry to hear of your loss he will be missed on the blog too.