Saturday, January 15, 2011

Nama's Knitting

Since the dog's away - the turkeys will play.

Wild turkeys on the driveway.
Hi folks,
I am, as the Yarn Harlot puts it, in the 'black hole' of my Coraline sweater.  I knit and knit and knit and seem to go nowhere.  But I do appreciate that it's mindless and can be done while watching The Dog Whisperer, which I've also been obsessing over.

So today, I thought I share a little number that my mother made last summer.  She is Namaknits on Ravelry, but she rarely, if ever, visits her page.  She needs to toot her own horn more often.  hint hint, mom.  By the way, I added the shawl to her project page for her.

Anyway, I give you Nama's Adagio Shawl with color change modifications.

She bought the pattern at our local LYS - Coldwater Collaborative.

My daughter, giving me advice at bedtime about how to remember things in the morning:

"Sometimes I write a note and stick it to my face, so when I wake up, I find the note stuck to my face so I don’t forget what I wanted to remember." ~ Belle


marit said...

Belle's quote is prizeless!!!

Lovely shawl your mother made.

What a fun sight those turkeys are! I've never seen one in real life. But we have had deer around the doors lately...DS1 came back and said he'd seen one big male, with at least 10 points on his antlers (or whatever it is called! Just didn't feel like getting out my dictionary right now,,,)

Hope you get a good weekend:-)

livnletlrn said...

Ooh, beautiful work, Stephanie! I love the colors of that shawl. The design is similar to the Lacy Baktus with Edge that I can't stop making. Example here:
BTW, thanks for raising such a fabulous daughter. I'm a fan. :-)

Anonymous said...

Thank you, sweetie. It is lovely!

Guinifer said...

Mom's shawls are gorgeous! I love those goofy turkeys. We've had a gorgeous fox this winter - wish I were quicker with my camera.

Leslie said...

The colors of the shawl are so pretty! And the turkeys remind me of the time a single wild turkey came walking up our suburban was so weird!

Harpa Jónsdóttir said...

Wild turkeys! Wow!

The shawl is absolutely beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I think your daughter's advice is hilarious...I need to keep some post it notes by my bed, just in case!

I love that scarf, the colours are so pretty and it looks so tactile!

Heidelweiss said...

I think Belle and Lizzy would be besties. Hilares! LOVE that shawl! I'm a sucker for blues and greens and that is beautifully knit. I'm glad you tooted her horn for her ;).

Tiffi said...

Yes, Nama, please post more pictures! But, know that if you do, I may start asking you to make me things because someone (achem!) promised some orange socks (proof is on her blog page) and yet here I wait, with cold toes!

Beautiful shawl!!

I love your turkeys too BTW... when I was there in July, Leo & I sat on the porch & watched them run around:) I think you were upstairs working on my socks...