Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Words words words

I tend to avoid lengthy, wordy posts.  At the risk of making myself sound stupid or lazy, a lot of words intimidate me.  Blame it on ADD, lack of sleep, not much time . . . blah blah blah.  I prefer pictures; loads of them.  I see a page of words and my mind begins to grow fuzzy and tired.  

My camera is broken.  Someone dear to me dropped it in the lake.  We snatched it up, dropped it in a bag of rice and after two days we checked - it still worked!  Still does, but there is a water mark on the inside lens that makes all of my photographs look like there's some sort of ghostly apparition on the right side.

I hadn't realized how attached I was to that little camera.  She went with me everywhere.  I took shameless amounts of pictures - mostly of absolutely nothing interesting.  But the beauty of digital cameras is that no matter how 'untalented' you are, eventually you will capture a moment or frame something so right that it deserves to be uploaded, printed, blogged or mailed to Aunty. 


So for the next few months, I'll be posting with my iPhone and iPad pictures (poor me).   And I'm going to make a valiant attempt to start posting again.  There is much to share and so much more to knit and crochet.

Love to all - get your blog on!


livnletlrn said...

I ditched my camera years ago. The iPhone takes excellent pics, so easy to upload, and I enjoy having one less thing to carry. Rock on.

Caroline said...

I've taken to mostly using my Smart Phone for pics, mostly because I always have my phone with me! I checked on your blog a few days ago and was excited to read you post about washing the fleece. I just got a huge bundle of fleece and wasn't sure what to do with it. I'm planning to washing it like you did. I think it's good wool. It was from Romney sheep, and the farmer sells it to spinners.

Erica said...

Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear about the untimely demise of your camera. Maybe Santa will bring you one early this year?

Anonymous said...

Hi, I don't knwo about the services in US but I've taken my camera to maintenance several times and let them clean my lense...

Guinifer said...

Also - if you download the Yarma app, it downloads your project pics directly to Ravelry and/or Flickr!

wildtomato said...

I love the Yarma app! I've been using it for my Rav photos, too.