Saturday, August 4, 2012

Baa Baa White Sheep

I have a bag of wool.  Yes.  A real, honest-to-betsey bag of wool.  A gal from my hubby's work heard that I knit.  And so did what makes perfect sense . . . she sheared her little lambs and now I have a hefty bag of dirty, stinking, manure covered, straw filled bag of wonder and magic. 

I'm not even sure where to start.  To be completely honest, I'm afraid to touch it.  I guess this is where the city girl gets off the train. 

Well.  I suppose the obvious thing to do would be to clean it as soon as possible.  But how, pray tell, does one wash a bag of fleece?  It's so. . . . so. . . unclean. 

To the internet . . .

. . . stay tuned. . .

ps.  my camera is broken.  BROKEN.  I'm lost in a world with no pictures to post.

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