Monday, March 2, 2009

Bill Holm

During the last blizzard that howled through town, Bill Holm passed away in a South Dakota Hospital. For those of you who don't recognize the name, Bill Holm was a writer from Minneota, Minnesota. His writings about his Icelandic heritage and memories from his past were especially poignant for me because they remind me of my own heritage and the stories from my grandparents.

He was a big man with a wonderful voice and he will be greatly missed.

"For it is life we want. We want the world, the whole beautiful world, alive — and we alive in it. That is the actual god we long for and seek, yet we have already found it, if we open our senses, our whole bodies, thus our souls. That is why I have written, and intend to continue, until someone among you takes up the happy work of keeping the chain letter of the soul moving along into whatever future will come." - Bill Holm


Harpa Jónsdóttir said...

He was a great writer. He will be missed and remembered.

Do I understand you correctly - is your family from Iceland?

Guinifer said...

And what a lovely and lively face he had to go along with his prose.

Tonyia said...


Wasn't he wonderful?!

Neuroknitter said...

I'm not familiar with his work, I think I need to do some investigating.

It sounds like his passing has created quite a void.