Saturday, March 7, 2009

A New Craft

A kind friend taught my sons how to tie fishing flies. I think I have a knack for it.
Lunker was not impressed that he tied his first "woolly bugger" in Viking colors.

A traitorous child who is a loyal to the Green Bay Packers - but there were no green/gold feathers to be found.

Anyway, remember this? One of my FO's? I unraveled and knit up a swatch for a special project I'm going to try out. (You can buy that pattern on Etsy from a very talented Icelandic fiber artist ).
And guess what? Lumpy decided this would make a great case for his new flies.
I agree.


livnletlrn said...

Excitement is already building here because opening day of trout fishing season is coming up. DH fishes yr-round, but especially loves this camping weekend of debauchery w/ his buds. Three cheers for happy fishermen and the good knitting time while they're so happily engaged! ;-)

Senja said...

I love the idea of fly tying, I think fly fishing would be a fun sport too. Nice hobby for a lifetime.

Kathleen said...

...seems like there's going to be a LOT more fishing this summer...

I'm intrigued by your project with the grid. I confess I don't realy understand what it's about. Sheesh...I feel so ignorant...uhhh...innocent.

marit said...

Looks like fun! Skitt fiske;-)
(which is Norwegian and means "lousy fishing"...since you're not supposed to wish anyone a good fishingtrip...)

Leslie said...

My dad used to tie flies way back when! I never gave it a try, though. Looks like a fun, "manly" craft!

Neuroknitter said...

We used to have angora bunnies, a friend used to use some of the fiber for tying flies...he said it was the best.