Friday, March 27, 2009

Before and Afters

I have one of those knitting projects that refuses to be completed. My Socks for Pops. Incredibly, I finished one sock about two inches short. What the @#$#? I know, I know. Slow and steady - rip back and finish it. But you know how it is when you are just so darn bored with the project and all you can think about is the 28 other projects sitting in your Ravelry queue.

Anyway, I started on a red hat that has been under my bed for over a year. Eventually, I'll get around to pictures.

I have been busy elsewhere. I was asked to write for a retail shop and I think I'm ready to share the link. So, without further ado, Book Mama. It's my first REAL writing gig, so I'm thrilled and terrified at the same time. You can also reach the link by going to
Hot Mama - and clicking on the BookMama tab.

By the way, don't try typing hotmama into your http:// spot or you'll get more than a clothing store.

Even better than all of this has been the efforts of my best friend to help me get organized. She has transformed my kitchen into THE coolest place ever. She is amazing. She has literally transformed my kitchen from a disaster area to the most beautiful space. T - I can't thank you
enough. It's truly amazing what a talented eye and a can of paint can do. Wow.

Here are some before and after pics:






knitting elephant said...

holy schmoly! I love the transformation... not that it wasn't great before, but you know, it looks great now! ;-)

wildtomato said...

I could use a best friend like that! Your kitchen looks amazing.

Nice work on the new writing gig! It was funny!

Heather said...

Awesome! I love that little nook for your table in your kitchen. I've always wished for a house with a nook like that! The updates look great!


Neuroknitter said...

Ditto wildtomato! I could use a best friend to help me tackle my clutter and do a little painting!!

Lovely re-do!!

Congrats on the writing job! Way cool!

wildtomato said...

You'll have to tell me how dinner turns out! I hope everyone likes it!