Monday, September 21, 2009

Autumn Mitts

It's 80 degrees out right now, which is why my daughter is sporting a swimsuit with those mittens.

Pattern: Classic Mittens (FREE - very easy pattern, adaptable to all sizes)
Yarn: Socks that Rock - Heavyweight
Needles: US 5
CO: 40 - there is room to grow.

I know it seems sort of redundant to say this, but Socks that Rock heavyweight seriously rocks. After knitting these mits, it has become my favorite yarn!!!


wildtomato said...

Wonderful! I have a skein of lightweight Socks that Rock that has been sitting in my stash for 2 years because it is "too precious" and I cannot find the perfect project for it. Sigh. I am eager to knit with it, though, so perhaps I should just get over it and cast on.

Neuroknitter said...

How perfect! I looooooooove that color!!! Cute picture!

IrishGirlieKnits said...

Yeah, its an ok yarn. Hehehe, who am I kidding! I love STR but in heavyweight, its just perfect!!!!

Love the mitts!! Bring on fall

Lorraine said...

It is so fun to see how far you've come since you started knitting! Those mittens are darling!

Can't wait to see CPH finished, too. A whole sweater of cables! Squeee!

Guinifer said...

What the heck colorway is that? My STR never looks like that.

Neuroknitter said...

Thank you!! And Happy Autumn right back to you!!!

I'm just giddy...6 minutes to go for it to be official!! :) :)

Kar said...

I've seen that pattern before but never tried it. They look so cute and simple! The yarn you chose is FAB!

Have you ever made any other sweaters out of the "Knits for older Kids" book? I'm working on one and the sleeves are kicking my tail for whatever reason.

Nice work on your sweaters!


Heather said...

great stuff all the way around... I am worried that I have a boy that is on the verge of asking to play football. I don't know if I could say yes.

the procratinating girl said...

thanks for the vote of confidence! i LOVE these mittens, just waiting for it to cool off her in new york as well!