Saturday, July 24, 2010

Displaced Productiveness

I'm showing you all of my garden stuff because I am taking so long to finish one darn single knitted item.  These photos are a mere distraction.  I do have a basket full of almost completed items.  Hopefully, my next post will show the proof.

We've been able to actually eat from the garden.  Each homegrown meal has been tiny and only enough for one or two servings, but it feels like a victory that would rival the greatest epic battles of all time.  These are the little veggies that I managed to snag before the varmints got to them.  Cukes, tomatoes, carrots, onions, peppers and tiny zucchini.

I mean . . . really tiny zucchini.

And this?  See those peas?  They're from Cub Foods freezer section.  The rabbits ate every single plant just before they were ready to be picked.  Every single one.

I made the mistake of planting pickle cukes and big Straight Eights together and now I can't tell them apart.  But I picked them all anyway and made one single meager jar of refrigerator pickles.
Next stop . . . knitting.


PJS said...

Nothing sweeter than your own veg I think! Sorry to hear about your peas, if it's any consolation, ours just lay down and died in the storms, at least you have a decent excuse.

Guinifer said...

Can you imagine if we relied on our gardens for sustenance? I didn't realize it was pickle time already.

What you did get from your garden is gorgeous!

Neuroknitter said...

Wow and yum!! That's fabulous! I'm in awe of your harvest! I think we have one green tomatoe from 7 plants right now...plants look great, just no fruit...yet! :)

wildtomato said...

I am green with envy over your yield! I've yet to get a single, ripened cherry tomato, even though I planted 4" plants back in April. I don't even have pesky rabbits as an excuse for a crappy yield.

Heidelweiss said...

First of all, happy birthday!!! Second-YUM! That veg looks so amazing. Who cares if it's just a little. I am so hungry now, I have to go raid my fridge.

nadine paduart said...

well hello rani, and i have certainly loved the way you commented on that chicken-in-the-oven! i am so pleased you liked the end result.
i see you have plenty of vegetable 'stock' to add to your dishes. that is wonderful!
cheerio, nadine

Harpa Jónsdóttir said...

Everything looks so good!