Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Ely 4th - T-Shirt weather

We spent the 4th up in Ely, MN this year.  We wanted to make tie-dye shirts but our cabin has no running water and we're at the edge of the BWCA so laundering and rinsing dyes in the lake was not an option.  I found this idea on the Family Fun website.

We took an old honey squeeze bottle and filled it with a water/flour mix (the consistency of mustard).

The kids took turns squeezing the mixture onto their clean shirts. 

They had to dry in the sun for the day and that afternoon, we sprayed fabric paint onto the shirts.  We bought little blue and red squirt bottles of fabric paint from our local craft store.

Let them dry and pick off the dried flour paste and you're ready for the 4th of July parade!

Zup's grocery store threw groceries in lieu of candy.  We're set with black pepper and chili!  

A shot of the Crapola (granola "makes even weird people regular") float.  And yeah, they were throwing out big bags granola.


ps.  Let the flour dry THOROUGHLY or it won't come off easily.


wildtomato said...

Crapola?!? They must really want to convey that a bag a day will keep you regular.

Guinifer said...

The kids look great!!!!

(snickering a the Crapola truck.)

marit said...

Cute kids and great t-shirts!

livnletlrn said...

small town parades are so much fun! I love the pepper pic.

Heather said...

Wow. Even your kids are crafty! Those are the coolest shirts ever!


Tiff said...