Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Beat the Birthday

That's right, I finished my first crochet blanket just before my cousin's baby is due.  Phew.  As the Yarn Harlot puts it, there was a lot of "Black Hole" moments - those moments when you feel like you've put in the time, but the darn blanket doesn't appear to have grown at all.  And then suddenly, it's done.  

The yarn was Cascade 220 (on sale at my LYS).  I've used Cascade before but this time, it felt like acrylic.  Very strange.

The pattern was from a fabulous tutorial that very clearly demonstrated just how to turn at the end of a row - something I've never quite managed, which is why I prefer round doily shaped things.  You can find the pattern and tutorial for the free Neat Ripple Pattern here.

I'll pack this little baby up and ship it off to my cousin before the big day.  It will be perfect for a car seat blanket or stroller blankie.


livnletlrn said...

great choice of colors!

wildtomato said...

Nice work. Now, can you finish my ripple blanket, too? Thanks!

PJS said...

looks fabulous, I love that sense of satisfaction you get once you finish a project like this. Glad it was finished before the baby arrived and I hope your cousin loves it!

Anne Marie said...

Yaaaay!!! *applause*

Congratulations with winning the race! Love th chose of colours too!

marit said...

That's cute! Lucky baby:-)

Guinifer said...


Leslie said...

Love those colors! I learned how to crochet when I was a kid; unfortunately, I never learned how to increase or decrease so the ripple pattern is a mystery to me!

Heidelweiss said...

Yessss! I love the blanket and the color choice-fab! No more baby beatings, however ;).