Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Fun for me.

What a weekend.   I spent a true Minnesota weekend at a good old hockey tournament.   I know some of you are smirking - Rani?  Rani of Raniknits?  Have you become a full-fledged hockey mom?


Yes I have.  And I'm having a marvelous time.

Remember the puff balls from hell?  I managed (barely) to finish enough for the moms.  
The ladies shakin' their pompoms.

Here we have a shot of beautiful Lake Mille Lacs  (pronounced Mill - ACKS).  And we usually don't say "lake" Mille Lacs.  Just Mille Lacs, thank you very much.  It's a famous fishing lake and pretty damn big, too. 
my god, why do we live here?
That's an ice road heading out to the hot spots or temporary fishing "villages" that spring up each winter.  You can also use the ice roads for shortcuts across the lake - we can do this on Minnetonka, too if you've got 4-wheel drive and nerves of steel.

Next we have a water tower in the shape of a fishing bobber.
And finally, a very jubilant bunch of hockey players showing off their 5th place consolation trophy to an equally proud and pandamonious crowd of about 11 parents.

Good times, good times.
 My kid is the cute one.  You know - number 11. 
See Grandma?  We won! WE WON!

An eventful game in which Lunker is sent to the penalty box for the first time; a right of passage, so to speak, in the game of hockey.

 I know I know.  You're thinking, "Hey, fun for you.  Boring for me."  So here's the finish.  Airing out the stinking hockey bag and you-know-who crawls in for a nice afternoon nap.

She's sort of camouflaged.
Of course, there is the knitting.  Always the knitting.  The second knee-high is languishing with a high fever and a severe case of Second Sock Syndrome (did Yarn Harlot coin that phrase?).  But my sweet little sweater is moving along.

Happy February.  The Chickadees are singing their spring song! WHIIPEEEEE!


Guinifer said...

Hockey tournaments are the best! I bet the little baby loves that stinky bag - probably smells good enough to eat!

Guinifer said...

Wait until they get older - Lacrosse gear is almost worse - it's warm out when they play.

Lorraine said...

Whew! I have one more home game and the playoffs and the stinky hockey gear is gone forever. Enjoy hockey while it lasts. It's over so soon. (sniffle)

Heidelweiss said...

Oh my goodness, I've missed a LOT! Yay for hockey moms (or soccer moms, or baseball moms or swimming moms)! Looks like a great time to me. What a cute little hockey star you have.

You got a puppy!!! Did I tell you we got one too? Pain in the asssss! But so cute. What mix is yours? She looks just like a gorgeous black lab. Adorbs.