Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Up North Easter

We spent Easter up north. We had a pack of wolves howl on 'Easter-Eve', which was pretty special. The Easter Egg dying and hunt took a bit of planning since we have no running water and the puppy would eat the eggs.

Our place is water-access only, so this time of year is the only time we can drive right up to the place. (This is not without the terrifying act of driving across the ice with windows and doors open). But the ice was three feet thick . . . I checked. And there are no currents or springs that we know of in this part of the lake.

And so, I'll post a few peaceful pictures that speak for themselves and wish every one of you a happy Spring.

Oh, and I started my Art Scarf from Morehouse Farms. It's as light as a cobweb. Not sure yet how I feel about it.PS. I'm working again part-time, so I have little time for checking blogs and posting, but I have not forgotten all my bloggy friends! I will still be here! I can't wait to have some time to sit down and check everyone's progress! Keep knitting!


Guinifer said...

Look how big Leo is!! How's he doing? Is he glued to your side?

Senja said...

I love your cabin! Maybe someday we will have one like this. Enjoy working again.

Neuroknitter said...

Happy belated Easter!

I love your photos!! The Egg is awesome...look at that color!! The skies and the shadow is excellent!! What a great holiday you must've had!

I hope work treats you well!

marit said...

I love your photos! How great it is that you can still have a cabin like that, and bring the kids-most cabins these days(at least around here...)are more luxurious than the houses!

livnletlrn said...

Your cabin looks like heaven on earth.

I started a laceweight scarf too (Gust from Knitspot) and don't think I'll continue it as is. The silk is too fine to be enjoyable for me right now. I might pair it up with another yarn and knit a more substantial version.

picperfic said...

love the photo of your skis! I have only ever seen that sort of fishing done in cartoons! Did they catch anything?

Caroline said...

You are one hardy gal! I love your photos.

ikkinlala said...

That looks like such a wonderful way to spend Easter.

Tonyia said...

What great photos!

Isn't it great to spend time with your family uninterrupted by the outside world? That's why we love to camp so much.

Your place looks fabulous!! Thanks for sharing.

Heidi said...

I miss Minnesota winters, though I've never been ice fishing...
I like the scarf pattern (and color) A LOT. I love knitting lacy scarves, that's about the only kind you can bear living in Texas!

Just stopping by to leave a comment,