Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Look what I found in the drawer.

The Hat.

Oh well. Compulsive behaviors do provide some benefits:My new shopping bag. At quite a discount from Mimi the Sardine.
It will be my early Mother's Day gift to myself.

And now . . . no more spending. But here I have to say that it's just like putting yourself on a diet. As soon as you start your diet, you begin to crave crazy junk food and you end up eating worse than before you went on your diet.

But enough is enough.

I must squeeze some fresh creative juices and start making things from the stuff I already have.


knitting elephant said...

Good luck with the spending freeze. I've been trying the same--Lord knows I have enough stash for a lifetime of handknits!

Caroline said...

Awww! That's where most of the hats I knit for my son end up too. Of course, he has the excuse that it's not THAT cold outsde. It snowed here yesterday and he was heading up to the hills behind our house to sled....with shorts on.

Neuroknitter said...

I'm trying to knit more from my stash, too! It's hard...why is that? I loved the yarn when I bought it, so why don't I get all giddy over it after it has become "stash"? Oh well...

Love your bag! And that hat is awesome...I meant to say that in the earlier.

Harpa Jónsdóttir said...

Spending freeze - well that comes kind of naturally to Icelanders these days ;-)

Guinifer said...

Your new bag is very cute. You'd be amazed at the numbers of hats in drawers at our house.

Tonyia said...

In the drawer is better than buried in a heap on the floor. (OK, only marginally better) It's a great hat - he'll wish he had it when he's 40. "Remember that great hat you made me, mom?"

It's a long wait, though, ain't it?

Leslie said...

What a great bag! It's hard to resist with so many cute things out there, isn't it? Online shopping could be my downfall if I let it. (Must avoid etsy at all costs!)

IrishGirlieKnits said...

Great bag!! And yes, I'm trying hard too to slow down the spending! Our stashes are soooo pretty!