Saturday, February 7, 2009

You WILL wear that hat.

With so many unfinished objects and a renewed promises to finish them, what do we do ladies? (and gentlemen)?

We cast on for an entirely NEW AND UNPLANNED PROJECT!!!
(queue ticker-tape parade and party blowers)

That's right. With our economy both world-wide and right here at home collapsing around me, I purchased MORE yarn because the two bins full of yarn that I already own
just weren't enough. I then, promptly purchased a new bag to put my new yarn and project into.

I CO and started a hat for a kid who won't wear it anyway because hats, in general, are "too itchy".

And here, a picture of the hat that may put us in foreclosure.
And yeah, I made him wear it, the little punk. I didn't spend two days on the couch knitting like a fiend so that this scratchy hat could spend it's winter days in a drawer. No sir. Can you tell that my poor kid is just itching to take it off . . . . get it? . . . itching? . . . get it?


livnletlrn said...

Great hat. My rotten kid doesn't wear his knits much either -- too itchy (when they're not), too warm (when I'm freezing). But knit them I will, regardless, and especially in stressful times, because that's what a knitting mom does! Hang in there.

Guinifer said...

Oooo - those Tonka Boys kicked some Edina heiney in the HS Hockey game the other night - nice!

It's a fine hat, by the way.

IrishGirlieKnits said...

Fabulous hat!! You know he loves it!

And thank goodnes, cause if you lose the house, he'll need it...hehehe! Oh, the yarn! It does us in everytime!

Heather said...

Too funny. I like how your (our) 'sacrifices' result in calling family members (our sons) things like 'punk.' How dare they!!!


Anonymous said...

That is a great hat! Better that it's a little itchy than having your ears frozen!

Harpa Jónsdóttir said...

I get it ;-)
Great hat by the way.

Neuroknitter said...

I love that picture!

Lorraine said...

LOL - I'm in the same boat. Although my excuse for new yarn is a desperate desire for COLOR!

Love the Hat. Your design?

BTW, my word verification is "coatcapp" - weird!