Thursday, February 5, 2009

To Whom It May Concern:

Dear Maker-of-Convenience-"Food",

I recently purchased your Roast Turkey Dinner for my lunch. I must say, I was very impressed with the picture on the box. It does indeed look like a "Homestyle" meal. The ratio of celery to croutons is what clenched the deal for me. I counted 11 pieces of celery and 12 croutons, which would make my vegetable to carbohydrate ratio about 48%/52%. Not bad.

And while most people don't consider celery an adequate source of anything, I count anything green on my plate to be a viable member of my food pyramid. Pickles included.

So I was sorely disappointed to open my meal and find a lesser version of the pictured meal. I have provided my own picture for your viewing pleasure.

Please note the lack of celery.

Upon further inspection, I found this one piece, clinging to a soggy bread cube. I'm at 4% for my vegetable, which is making my food pyramid look a bit lopsided.

The problem seems obvious:

Someone in your company has a serious celery addiction and has been eating the bits right off your assembly line.

Please do whatever you can to rectify this situation before food pyramids everywhere collapse into non-nutritious piles of goo.


A very hungry girl who may be getting scurvy.


livnletlrn said...

Dude, with the amount of gravy that stuff's swimming in, the celery quantity is the least of your worries. ;-)

picperfic said...

oh dear....looks a bit gloopy to, how much is celery these days? lol

Nautical Knitter said...

I bet it says somewhere on the package "serving suggestion"...meaning, no celery provided...

Guinifer said...

Okay - you know how they probably took that photo?

Mashed potatoes were probably made with added wallpaper paste for consistency - not edible.
Gravy is made with added karo syrup to keep consistency.
May have been real turkey - but purchased from a deli or sliced from a real turkey.
The dressing was indicated by real bread/croutons and celery that the food stylist cup up herself!!!

Never trust a package photo!!!

Anonymous said...

You know they NEVER said anything about Vitamin C... You WILL need to add some frutis and vegetabes into your diet one of these days. AND NO, celery (or lack of) does not count!
How about if I make you a yummy dinner in exchange for some cozy orange mittens ;)

Tonyia said...

Splorf - wiping coffee from the laptop - you need to have a humor warning...

Anne Marie said...

LOL!!! Too funny!