Saturday, October 24, 2009

Go ahead and laugh, why dontcha

Ok, you can go ahead and laugh, cuz in some silly way, it's funny. I knitted my sleeves too long.
When you make these kinds of mistakes on something you've laboriously made by hand, it has to be recognized. I ignored it hoping that either I'd wake up the next day to find that I was mistaken - a trick of the eye - and the sleeves would miraculously be the right length. Or maybe my arms would grown five inches and the sweater would magically fit. My hubby had a good laugh at that one.

Then, thanks to
blogland, a bloggy friend pointed out that I can rip back from the cuffs, and pick up the stitches and finish the cuffs going the other directions. PHEW! I can actually do that. A few years ago, I would have dumped this in my UFO pile, but I can honestly and safely call myself an intermediate knitter and the thought of cutting off those cuffs does not daunt me! HA HA!

These are a teeny pair of Classic Mittens (free - all sizes) I made for my darling niece for her 4
th birthday. I love the pattern but the yarn was a compulsive, much-too-expensive purchase that I shouldn't have done. Grrrr. It's Claudia Handpainted (I know! What was I thinking!). So there you go.


wildtomato said...

Er, I can't laugh too hard because I'm afraid that the sleeves on my latest cardigan may be long. It's blocking right now, so I haven't tried it on post block yet.

Those mittens scream "4-year-old girl"! How could you resist that yarn?

livnletlrn said...

Those sleeves are pretty funny. Thank heavens for being the boss of your knitting, though, and knowing about the "chop off and knit down" option.

IrishGirlieKnits said...

Oh no!! I was going to say just roll those sleeves, but I'm so proud of you for fixing them!!

Heather said...

Sorry to hear about your sleeves. My sister is going through the same thing, and is going to solve the problem the same way. My best to both of you, cause cutting scares the %#$%& out of me!

Lorraine said...

SQUEEEE! Too long sleeves, notwithstanding, it's you first adult sweater. After sleeve surgery, you should take it out on the town and party!

(I love wearing a new sweater for the first time.)

cupcakefaerie said...

Seriously, you can rip back from the cuff? Very cool! Glad you have a solution because it's too pretty a sweater to toss.

PJS said...

You could just leave them long and then you dont have to wear mittens :)

Probably Jane said...

It's great to meet another member of the enormous sleeve society. I'm afraid I frogged mine as the sweater also suffered from dropped shoulder that opened up like a broken accordion syndrome.

Your sweater will be gorgeous when you've fixed it.

Caroline said...

Awwww! Been there, done that..even the cutting part, which turned out well. It's still frustrating though because you're supposed to be done and then you have this extra work you hadn't planned on:(

I love the color, of course...and the Claudia yarn too. She is so tempting.

Tonyia said...

I love my Central Park Hoodie, but after following the pattern, I ended with sleeves that were a good four inches too long.

I wear it, a lot, but I roll up the cuffs.

I think that pattern was written for monkey women.