Thursday, October 8, 2009


I have one finished boring pair of green industrial boot socks for y'all. And I was watching Lost in bed and made my hubby put them on and model them for you. So there you go.

Boot Socks. Needle: US 3
Yarn: Järbo Garn Raggi Multi
For Mr. Darling and his outdoor adventures.

I also finished a pair of midnight blue socks for my dad but forgot to take a picture. I'll get on that.

ps. My sister's baby is well-done but still in the oven. The suspense is killing me!


PJS said...

Hope your sisters baby makes an appearance soon... I don't know, these women who don't have their babies when they are meant to... so inconsiderate!!!

The socks looks warm, how's it going now the kids are back at school?

Harpa Jónsdóttir said...

The socks look great!

"Well done but still in the oven" - that really made me smile! I hope you get to meet the baby very soon.

IrishGirlieKnits said...

Hope baby is here soon!!!

Love the socks!! They look super warm :)

Anne Marie said...

nothing boring about those. They have the perfect fall colour and look warm and cozy! Perfect.

cupcakefaerie said...

Not dullsville at all! Sometimes simplicity is best. And they look so toasty warm! Mr. Darling is a very lucky man.