Monday, April 5, 2010

Where have I been?

Where have I been? Oh, I don't know. Around. Nowhere in particular. I was knitting like a fiend but found that I goofed on my EZ surprise baby sweater. Now I'm disheartened and I'm not sure what I'm going to do.

In the meantime . . .

dying eggs

looking for eggs.
finding loot

And to top off the weekend - we rented Monty Python and the Holy Grail and we're just about to sit down and enjoy. Maybe I should pull out that baby sweater. Maybe...

What have you been up to?


Halla said...

easters are for: meeting family, take a walk in the snow, eating a lot of good food with a little chocolate in between and knitting, and knitting, and knitting.

Caroline said...

Great way to end a weekend--Monty Python! We've been on a Michael Palin kick lately, watching his Himalaya most recently. You can still see his goofy humor during his travels.

Leslie said...

Looks like you had some Easter fun! I had family visiting and that was just back to the work schedule! So happy to see spring here.

livnletlrn said...

Well, given my blog tracker numbers and my own life over the past few days, I think EVERYONE was outside!

Monty Python -- good stuff. Makes my 15 y.o. usually stoic son totally crack up.

Bah on the Baby Surprise. Rip that bugger out and show it that you're the boss of your knitting!

Anonymous said...

I messed up on mine too in the first go. But, I frogged it and kept going, you can do it!

Easter: dyeing yarn with friends, knitting, eating too much, family time, sleeping, good movies (like Let The Right One in, a Swedish vampire movie that was really surprisingly awesome).

randi K design said...

Have a great time in Dallas!

randi K design said...

Hi Rani in Minnesota!
Welcome to Texas! Try to get out on the countryside, the Bluebonnets along the roads are blooming, just fantastic!
Have a great trip!

N said...

If you ever need a babysitter, my 17 year old can quote the whole movie verbatim. Flying the geek flag over here!

How many eggs did Leo get?

He and I even went to see Spamalot together.