Monday, April 19, 2010

Where have I been?

Here. On my farm. That's what I've been telling friends who have called saying, "Where have you been? You haven't called."

"Oh," I reply calmly, "I've been farming."

I'm going full-throttle this year on our little vegetable patch. My very sweet hubby bought a trailer full of dirt and built me a huge compost bin. We've graduated from our rolling plastic bin to a full-fledged compost bin next to the garden. The dog was able to get in and eat the egg shells and toast crusts, so there have been some adjustments.

Onions, lettuce, radishes, beets, carrots, peas and potatoes . . . in that order. It's orderly and clean and full of potential. Don't remind me that in August, the heat and bugs and weeds are so disgusting that I pretend I don't have a garden anymore. Last year, I actually told my mother-in-law that those tall weeds there covering two thirds of my garden was all part of my master plan to let the soil mellow for a season. Oh, lord. The lies. The terrible lies. The truth is . . . the mosquitoes, spiders, toads and bees launch a 'Shock and Awe' campaign that leaves me helpless - sitting on my porch sipping lemonade - raising my fist to the sky and cursing the very idea of kitchen gardens.

But for now. It is springtime. And springtime is the time for the perennial birth of hope. And that means I put down the wool and needles and start digging - no matter what the outcome. Because maybe, just maybe this time, I'll finish the summer as the victor.

Or maybe I'll just make some lemonade and let nature take it's course.

Either way.


Heather said...

Ah, Rani - I feel for you. I used to start (and end) my summers just like that. I wonder if my old house is still overrun there in the corner where I had my "garden-gone-wild." ???? Best of wishes to you. I say hire some little weed-pullers that are related to you and let them fight the spiders, mosquitoes and such!!


Erica said...

Good for you! Once your bountiful harvest comes in you wont think of the mosquitoes and the bugs once :D

Neuroknitter said...

Kudos!! I think just getting the soil prepped and stuff in the ground makes you the winner!! Enjoy your spoils!! :) :)

Senja said...

Oh I will miss this for the year, since we are in transition. Thanks for sharing I will live vicariously through you.

(wonder if I spelled that right?)

wildtomato said...

You're going to have a wonderful summer bounty! Everything about it sounds great (except for the spideys).

Guinifer said...

What! You have to weed those things? Hmmph. No wonder my gardens are always a complete and utter failure.

Anne Marie said...

Lucky, lucky you for having your own garden. For being able to grow vegetables. I am already imagiening all the goodies you can make this fall.

Breath in, do a bit everyday and just see how your garden will win over the wilderness.

I hope you keep usposted on the development....even if it turns out so bad that you have to do awhite lie ;-)

Icelandish said...

OMG are you planting green beans? Those are the absolute BEST fresh from a garden. Pain in the ass to clean and snip, but YUM!

One of the first things I bought in WI on my holiday break was a 2 lbs. bag of green beans at the Eau Claire Super-Target (or whatever big Target stores are called!). It cost only $4 and I thought I was in heaven! LOL