Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Knitting Hell

Have you ever had that feeling that something is laughing at you. Not someone, but something.

A sweater can laugh at you.

Yes, it can. And its hideous name is EZ Surprise Baby Sweater and I am in knitting purgatory. My situation is looking dismal since speaking out against the remarkable and talented Elizabeth Zimmermann is blasphemous.

Pray for me.

PS. Erica got it! The movie knitting scene is from Slapshot. HA HAHA HAAAAA!


marit said...

I finished mine, but I don't like it very much...might be the colour, or just the fact that it was terribly boooooooooring...

Guinifer said...

That was my first thought - but then I decided I was mistaken...

My knitting laughs at me often.

livnletlrn said...

I only made one BSJ, just to see what all the fuss is about. I didn't have any problems with it and it went quickly enough, but...meh. Clever, yes, but knitting it was boring and I didn't love the end result. Donated it somewhere.

Life's too short to dislike your knitting. I'd say rip that sucker out and free yourself!