Tuesday, July 13, 2010

My bad dream

I had a dream last night that I woke up to find it was early October and none of my tomatoes had ripened.  I was in such agony.  Really.  Depressed.  So that when I woke up and found it was mid-July and that there was still hope for many more garden tomato adventures, my eyes filled with tears. Literally.

How do I explain this one to my husband. 

K: Your crying because of your tomatoes?
R: I'm not crying.
K: Are you OK?  I mean . . . mentally?
R: I'm going outside to fondle my tomatoes. 
K: I'm getting worried about you.

So now I'm sitting down in the garden admiring all the tomato potential and . . . would you believe - knitting.  Life is good.  

You know what I'm thinking right now?  If you love your garden . . . I mean REALLY love. your. garden.   . . . it can almost take the place of your kids.  My oldest is off for the first time at sleep-over-I-can't-call-to-check-on-him-and-there-are-no-web-cams camp and let me just tell you that I really need some distractions right now.

So I have my camera and I am sitting here knitting and watching and listening.   Let me show you what's going on in this little busy corner of the world.

I had a little bird house here.  It's still there, but can you see what it has morphed into?  A paper wasp nest.  Isn't that cool!?  That is some industry right there.

Look at my babies.  Aren't they precious?  

And there are so many this year, I am just fine with sharing some with the chipmunks.

No garden is complete without the flowers to bring in the bees.  We must whore ourselves out somewhere.  The loose daisies?  The flirtatious phlox?

And now the sun is low and even the weeds (yes you heard me . . . weeds) are in on the action.


Anonymous said...

I adore you. I am glad you are part of my family of crazies. Mom

knitting elephant said...

I wish I could say I understand, but I have the blackest thumb possible on this great earth. If you're looking for someone to kill some sort of plant, give me a call! :-)

Erica said...

It must be that time of year because nothing can satisfy my pallet right now except a fresh salad with oodles of tomatoes!

I feel for you on the camp thing! It was bad enough having my eldest walk into the school and go to his Preschool class all by himself. I swear I almost turned the car around at each driveway I passed just to make sure he made it in alright. Do you guys send letters and such or is it too short of a camp? Letters from home were always the big highlights when I was attending camps.

wildtomato said...

Good work! I'll be lucky if I get a handful of cherry tomatoes this year. Stupid, foggy summers.

PJS said...

You can understand my sorrow that the storms have set our tomatoes back and there is a chance they wont produce anything. there's nothing to fondle out there in my garden. I have consoled myself with some new shrubs and my herb garden, which has almost choked itself it's grown so much.

I love reading your blog, you always make me smile.

Anne Marie said...

What a day and what a moment! Sounds and looks like something you should do again. Hope you are having a good summer even if your kid is on camp :-)

livnletlrn said...

Hey, those wasps are cheatin' w/ the shortcuts! Pretty clever house remodeling, though.

This summer, I can't get enough of this tomatolicious recipe:


Guinifer said...

I hate to say it, but after witnessing my SIL's anaphylactic shock last summer after a wasp bite - that paper wasp nest, although very cool, would send me screaming for the bug spray.

As for the rest of your post - yay for your garden!

Caroline said...

Yes, yes, I totally understand. Every morning I go out and stare at my tomatoes and zucchini, willing them to ripen. Then, I sit on our chaise lounge, and break off some sprigs of basil and sit there and smell them for awhile. Eventually, I go inside and ask Russ to smell them too, and he just kind of does a half-hearted sniff while looking at me strangely.

Your garden looks wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Can you guess which photo is my favorite? I have 2 actually:)

And, I am still laughing at your story!!

Man, I am so glad you are my BFF... I love having you in my life!!!

Hang in there... E will be home soon:)

Heidelweiss said...

Those tomatoes are completely adorable. Even more adorable would be a chipmunk eating one ;).

Neuroknitter said...

I'm still waiting for our tomatoes to sprout...

I share your nightmare!!

Happy garden knitting!!

Woolgirl said...

Still waiting for our tomatoes to sprout too - ahhhh...such is life living in the NW I suppose. Some years you get tomatoes and some years you don't. Lovely photos!