Sunday, February 19, 2012



This is that time of year when the rest of the country gets a good chuckle at Mr. Groundhog.  But if you live in Minnesota or any where north of there, Groundhog day gets hardly a nod.  Six more weeks of winter is mandatory and then you can safely tack on a few more just for good measure.  We authentic north folk don't let that furry fellow lure us into believing that we may have only 6 weeks of winter left.  We've had snow well into April.  

 But this year, winter in Minnesota has yet to get started.  This wacky weird weather we've been having (colder in Texas than here?!) has been making it difficult to go sledding, skiing, snowmobiling.  But it's been great for playing fetch with little Stella here.
Happy Knitting.


Guinifer said...

That is one familiar doggy expression!

livnletlrn said...

I love those ice crystal thorn pics.

wildtomato said...

Stella! I love seeing your furry mug.

We've been having virtually no winter here in CA,too. Our fruit trees are already blossoming, which is bad news for this year's crops.

Neuroknitter said...

Be still my beating heart...look at that awesome frost, hoarfrost, right? Gorgeous!!

I hope you and the pup are staying warm!!