Saturday, February 11, 2012

Girl Time Getaway.

 My gal pals and I are up north for a sweet little vacation away from laundry, driving, diapers, jobs, dishes . . . you get my point.  And I brought my bad of fiber and needles. . . and hooks. 

We drove into town today and walked into a store called "Utrinkets" which boated your usual cabin town sundries of souvenirs.  When low and behold at the back of this very understated, nondescript joint was a place of heaven on earth.  A yarn shop.  A full blown, mother-truckin' yarn shop with all the bells and whistles.  The shop is owned by a friendly husband/wife team; the husband was knitting while we browsed. 
 I remained strong and made no purchases.  It was difficult for me, so we headed to the local pizza joint for some pizza and a pitcher of beer.
 Full of our libations, we headed out for some shopping and landed our booties in the little coffee shop.
 It was cold outside but we were warm and toasty inside sipping our very suburban soy lattes and talking about kids, cats and dogs.

Good times and good friends.


wildtomato said...

You were very strong to not make any purchases when faced with such a fine wall of fiber! I think I would have ended up with a skein of sock yarn, at least.

Harpa Jónsdóttir said...

Girl time... Sigh... Sounds great.