Friday, February 24, 2012

Wildcat Canyon Scarf

 Here is a sweet scarf called "Wildcat Canyon Scarf" by Stacy Mar.  (Pattern will be available soon!) It is knit lengthwise and knits up surprisingly fast.  This took two skeins of Plymouth Select Merino Superwash Worsted on US 7.  I skipped a repeat in the center but I have some yarn leftover, so I may have had enough.  Oh well.  It is still really pretty.
 I learned a clever new stitch called "Cluster Stitch" which made a beautiful, smooshy fabric with a nice texture and feel. 
Hahahaaaaa.  Look how I'm standing.  D.O.R.K.  But how else can you capture a picture when you have no one home to help you out. 
Darn it, red is hard to photograph.   Can you see where I tried to edit out the yarn tails that I have yet to sew in?  I was just too excited. 

So now I'm off to wear it about town.   When people ask, "Where'dya get it?"  I'll gloat a bit and explain that the art of hand-knitting is not forgotten. 

PS.  I ordered that Knit Picks yarn yesterday and boy does it feel good!
PPSS. I ordered even MORE yummy yarn today!  Don't tell Mr. Darling - he'll kick my butt.


wildtomato said...

I love it! Thanks so much for your test knitting skillz.

Heidelweiss said...

Lovely! I would never have knit a stitch called "cluster stitch" because I have a thing with clusters. However, it is lovely and I am not afraid of it.

Guinifer said...

You look frozen! More scarves for you!

Tina said...

Yours turned out very nice! Love the color.