Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Sheesh. It's done.

This little darling took F.O.R.E.V.E.R to knit. The 1.5 mm needles did not speed things along.
However, it's done. It's cute. It's soft.

The pattern is free. (Drops Jacket - knit sideways) It's a clever pattern and easy. But because of the tiny needles, it is not for the feint of heart. (faint/feint? oh who cares) The only seaming I had to do was under the arms. The buttons won't fit through the holes, so I'm off to my LYS to find a smaller set. There are a pair of pants that are supposed to go with this sweater, but you won't find me knitting them.

And some gratuitous photos of our last winter storm. I LOVE snow, so I'm very happy!!


IrishGirlieKnits said...

Cute sweater!! And yay for snow!!! Love it!

livnletlrn said...

What a timeless baby sweater. Bonus that it's a free pattern and has almost no finishing.

Anonymous said...

I love this sweater. Can you tell us what yarn you used?

Guinifer said...

The baby sweater is truly a classic! Good job!

How does Leo like the big snow? Ozzie gets a little freaked out every time he falls through the frozen crust...

Harpa Jónsdóttir said...

Love the sweater!
We don't have any snow now (not in my part of the country - there is lots in other parts) only bitng cold.